HELP - on campus interview for Master's program

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussions' started by sumtuck, Feb 12, 2013.

  1. sumtuck

    sumtuck New Member

    Hi All,

    I have an on campus interview at the University of Denver for Master's program admission. It lasts from 8 a.m until 5 p.m. It is broken up into orientation, sample class, different socials with students/faculty, and also an interview.

    What do I wear? Any tips for how to prep for it?


    TEKMAN Semper Fi!

    Is it on campus program or via distance learning through DU's University College? If it is on campus, then just wear flip-flop, shorts, and hoodies like the rest of college students. Just kidding!!!

    Since it is a Master program and not competitive. Just wear business casual as recommend, but whatever you feel comfortable. Just only answer question as ask, do not volunteer yourself. However, as the time selling yourself with good image in front of the dean. Ask any question if you need to know from school, program, tuition, assignment, project, and etc.

    Good Luck!
  3. perrymk

    perrymk Member

    Think about what you might be asked and have some thought out answers. Start with the obvious

    Why do you want to attend this school?
    What are you plans should you obtain a degree here?
    What are your research interests? (assuming research is a component of the degree)

    Try googling "questions for graduate school interview" and see what else you come up with.

    Good luck!
  4. perrymk

    perrymk Member

    One more thing. When I was interviewing for grad school it was recommended to me to look up some of the professors in the school catalog, see what they had published, and then read a few of their articles. That way if I met a professor (I didn't know who I would be meeting) I would have something to talk about and would appear interested, which I was. As it turned out I did not do an on-campus interview prior to graduate school but still felt the advice to be spot on for getting to know people during my first few months.
  5. sumtuck

    sumtuck New Member

    Thanks so much! It is their LIbrary and Information Science program on campus. They only admit about 50% of the people who interview and the interview day runs from 8:30 a.m. until 5:00 p.m.! They break the day up into interviews, socials, a sample class, food.

    I am excited but so nervous! Thinking I will go business casual. Will definitely research profs and their publications. Thanks again!
  6. perrymk

    perrymk Member

    I wore a suit and eveyone my first day to meet people. Everyone I knew who interviewed wore suits. There was a saying, "you can't overdress for an interview". Well, maybe a tux would be over the top, but a nice suit isn't.

    Again, good luck!
  7. sumtuck

    sumtuck New Member

    That is good to know. I should probably do a suit then. They are just so uncomfortable! But worth the sacrafice. Thanks!
  8. me again

    me again Well-Known Member

    Bring your checkbook. A credit card is even better.
  9. sumtuck

    sumtuck New Member

    Thanks! I will wear a suit. Not very comfortable but worth the sacrifice. lol

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