Harvard Diploma in Engish

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussions' started by drwetsch, Mar 29, 2002.

  1. drwetsch

    drwetsch New Member

  2. John Bear

    John Bear Senior Member

    I have found it intriguing that Harvard translates the first and middle names of graduands into Latin, but leaves the surname in the original. Ricardium Lauriensis Jones, for instance. Is that the European way, as well? Have they ever tried the last name as well? Might I be Johannes Ursus, or some such?

    John Bear
  3. Guest

    Guest Guest

    My University of Saskatchewan diploma is in Latin (my name is in English). Sometime in the 1990's the University switched to a more modern crest and the diploma is now completely in English.

    Personally, I like the latin (even if I have no idea what it says :) )


  4. drwetsch

    drwetsch New Member

    The latin diplomas convey a sense of linking the ancient world of academia to our modern education pursuits. I don't have a latin diploma but I think they are pretty neat....


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