Ok i'm utterly disgusted!!!

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussions' started by DxD=D^2, May 9, 2012.

  1. DxD=D^2

    DxD=D^2 Member


    Okay, I'm here at work and I just think, in general... guys (not to exclude gals) are just disgusting. While in the restroom brushing my teach, two guys come in to use the urinals. No biggie. Not until they are finished and they simply rinse their hands with water ONLY!!! I must say, there is a reason God created Soap! *Pun intended* I think to myself, damn that's so disgusting to know that whatever those men touch have residue of their own "love" organ. I'm sorry, but I don't want to touch someone else junk. :bigeyes2::eek5:

    For that reason alone, I always, always never touch the restroom handle coming out. I think it's just plan nasty! I should run a poll and figure out how many people wash their hands after using the restroom, but I guess there have already been studies:


    Anyways, for those of you who don't wash up after you do you business... please do us all a favor and wash with soap and water.
  2. Ted Heiks

    Ted Heiks Moderator and Distinguished Senior Member

    Definitely off-topic.
  3. DxD=D^2

    DxD=D^2 Member

    Yeah I didn't want to make the Mobs job difficult by moving it to the "off-topic" section. ;)
  4. Ted Heiks

    Ted Heiks Moderator and Distinguished Senior Member

    BTW - Did you really mean Mobs job or Mods' job?
  5. Maniac Craniac

    Maniac Craniac Moderator Staff Member

    Easily, more than half of men walk out without washing their hands, per my observations.

    Unless I know someone well, I always assume that the person whose hand I am shaking did not wash after the last time he handled his business. If I know someone well, I always assume that he did not wash after the last time he shook hands with someone who did not wash after the last time he handled his business.

    I also never take food out of another person's hand nor even pick it up with my own unless I know for a certainty that I haven't touched anything since the last time I washed. Some call me obsessive, but with 80% of infectious diseases spreading by touch, I think I'm rather rational in my actions.
  6. Kizmet

    Kizmet Moderator

    OK, I think all you guys (yeah, half the planet) need to go take a shower.
  7. Bruce

    Bruce Moderator

    I'm obsessive about washing/sanitizing my hands.....I keep a box of nitrile (non-Latex) exam gloves with me in the cruiser, and unless it's an extreme emergency and I don't have time, I always put on a pair before touching anyone. If I do have to touch anyone without gloves, I also have Purell Hand Sanitizer in my equipment bag that I use up to my elbows afterwards, and even if I do have gloves on when I touch someone, I use the hand sanitizer after I take off the gloves, just to be sure.
  8. edwardlynch

    edwardlynch New Member

    LOL not all of us do that.. just wash their hand by water only. But I agree that almost all of us do that. Some times I am doing it too when the bathroom is full and I'm in a hurry but I use hand sanitizer.
  9. Ian Anderson

    Ian Anderson Active Member

    I never use the hot air dryers that exist in many bathrooms - I've heard they are a source of germs and bacteria. I use paper towels, a clean handkerchief, or just shake off excess water to dry my hands.

    Incidentally I just read this news article on germs in bathrooms:
    How a Reusable Grocery Bag Can Spread Disease - Yahoo! News
  10. John Bear

    John Bear Senior Member

    My daughter says the absolute requirement at the huge hospital where she is an RN is to wash for at least 20 seconds with hot water. She has not (yet) resorted to hiding in a booth to see what the nurses under her jurisdiction really do, but she cites research where this was done, and nurses who believe they are unobserved fail to do this 1/4 of the time.
  11. DxD=D^2

    DxD=D^2 Member

    LOL I didn't catch that until now, I meant Mods... Good eye Ted ;)
  12. Randell1234

    Randell1234 Moderator

    I bit off topic but I work in healthcare and was doing work in the GI Lab at a major teaching facility on the west coast. There was a patient on the table and I was asked to make an adjustment to a setting on a piece of equipment. I said, "hold on" grabbed a paper towel, wrapped it around my finger and press the button. My coworked laughed and called me a sissy. The nurse in the room said "Well....that is a good idea because half the patients that come through here have HIV/AIDS". My coworked left the room in a dash and scrubbed his hands for about 15 minutes! It was so funny!
  13. Ted Heiks

    Ted Heiks Moderator and Distinguished Senior Member

    Did you really mean "coworked" or maybe "coworker"?
  14. Randell1234

    Randell1234 Moderator

    coworker - thanks for pointing that out.
  15. DxD=D^2

    DxD=D^2 Member

    Dang Ted, you're our grammar police tonight ;) hehe

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