Interesting conversation with a hiring manager.

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussions' started by NorCal, Jul 8, 2011.

  1. NorCal

    NorCal Active Member

    So I ran into the hiring manager while he was working late last night and we struck up a conversation about hiring. He told me he receives hundreds of employment applications online, and he utilizes a software program that finds predetermined "key words" in an applicants resume and automatically pulls eight applications for every one open position.

    The hiring manager said he then google searches each candidate and checks their facebook account to see if there is anything there that would "lift an eyebrow." Finally, he said he personally likes to search the applicants home address and uses the internet to see pictures of their house to see if their they keep up their yard. He said he has been known to drive past the applicants house if pictures are not available, just to see if their homes are kept up, which he said is important to him because keeping a clean home shows that the applicant is responsible and courteous to the neighborhood.

    I have to admit, hearing this information took me off guard and I was surprised somebody actually does this, but if you think about it, it does make sense.

    I wonder what other things are being done by hiring managers that we haven't thought about yet . . .
  2. Messdiener

    Messdiener Active Member

    My hiring manager told me several months after the interview that he had done a basic google search on me, which seems to be a relatively standard background check on candidates (assuming their names aren't too common: John Smith). Using Google Maps/Earth and driving by their homes seems to be taking things to the next level though! Wow!
  3. airtorn

    airtorn Moderator

    That sounds almost stalker creepy-ish.
  4. Kizmet

    Kizmet Moderator

    Where I work everyone goes through standard background checks for criminal records. This includes your driving record. Big shots get their taxes checked as well. As I understand it, googling candidates is pretty standard these days, including social networking sites. To my knowledge, googling homes/drive-bys are uncommon because many people live in condos/apartment buildings.
  5. 03310151

    03310151 Active Member

    Jeffrey Dahmer kept a clean house (for obvious reasons). Hiring manager's need all the help they can get. I think it's funny that he would actually drive by someones house. At least he (I hope) does not ask stupid questions like "If you were an animal, what would you be" or "What kind of Vegetable are you"...this one would be cool to be asked, but I remember hearing somewhere that a company would ask applicants what their favorite Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream was.
  6. Randell1234

    Randell1234 Moderator

    While looking at someone house is a bit extreme, here are a few less extreme tactics
    ** Interrupt the candidate with different questions during a phone screening. It may show how they handle interruptions in a work environment.
    ** Schedule a phone screening and don’t call them. Do they call you and what do they say. Are they rude and remind you of the appointment or do they tactfully remind you and comment that they are sure you are busy and is rescheduling a better option?
    ** During the phone screen put them on hold a few times, how do they react?
    ** Call on a Saturday afternoon. They are not expecting a call regarding a job and you may get a better picture of what they are like (are they screaming at their kids, etc.).

    Questions like “What kind of Vegetable are you” are just stupid. What is a good answer? To see if someone can think on their feet, wouldn’t you rather ask relevant questions?
  7. Maniac Craniac

    Maniac Craniac Moderator Staff Member

    This one: [​IMG]

    The cannibalistic kind.
  8. NorCal

    NorCal Active Member

    I don't work as a hiring manager, and I respect the hell out of ours cause he's a really good guy with a good head on his shoulders. I was somewhat "put off" by some of the tactics he utilizes, but I don't question them as I know this guy knows his stuff. He was telling me as a new supervisor, he used to loiter around the work site to observe the habits of the employees before he was formally introduced. He said he would take note if they are operating at 100%, what other employees they would associate with, and how they interacted with the public and responded to questions. His tactics are extreme, but he is a very good manager who is well respected and known for being extremely fair and good at what he does.

    The entire conversation was really interesting, as I'm always interested in learning about things I have no experience with.
  9. SteveFoerster

    SteveFoerster Resident Gadfly Staff Member

    Anyone who tries can find out an awful lot about me through even the most basic search. I figure if an employer wouldn't like me as I really am, I wouldn't like working for them anyway. And sure enough, last time I was looking I didn't get many responses to my applications, but I did from the place where I work now and really like it there.
  10. Ted Heiks

    Ted Heiks Moderator and Distinguished Senior Member

    Like as in the Little Shop of Horrors?
  11. Maniac Craniac

    Maniac Craniac Moderator Staff Member

    As in, if I were a red bell pepper, I would eat fellow red bell peppers. :yup:

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