Cat cloning, financed by the U of Phoenix

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussions' started by John Bear, Feb 17, 2002.

  1. John Bear

    John Bear Senior Member

    Charming article in the San Francisco Chronicle today, Feb. 16 (, about John Sperling, the sharecropper's son who started the University of Phoenix, made many hundreds of millions of dollars, and is now revealed as the backer of Genetic Savings and Clone, the company that just announced a cloned cat, and will be offering the service to the public (animals only) for "five figure" amounts.
  2. Bill Highsmith

    Bill Highsmith New Member

    I heard one commentator say that these "copy cats" will not necessarily look alike since hair color for cats is not strictly genetically determined. They certainly won't act the same, so I wonder how many customers will pay those fees once it gets out that that little MuffyTwo is no more like Muffy than a pound kitty?

    The backer revelation is certainly interesting. I wonder if he got the idea of backing cloning from his cloning of UoP to make UoP Online?
  3. Bill Highsmith

    Bill Highsmith New Member

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    (Joan Starke)
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 17, 2002
  4. Not much of a revelation, since Sperling reveals his involvement with Genetic Savings & Clone in Chapter 14 of his book "Rebel With A Cause," published in 2000.
  5. Bill Highsmith

    Bill Highsmith New Member

    It was a revelation to me from John Bear. It was a revelation to you from the book.

    I think that Nostradamus predicted it, so Sperling's book was old hat.
  6. Indeed, Sperling is explicitly mentioned by Nostradamus, in Quatrain 8,27:

    • The auxiliary way, one arch upon the other,
      Le Muy deserted except for the brave one and his genet.
      The writing of the Phoenix Emperor,
      seen by him which is (shown) to no other.

      (La voye auxelle l'une sur l'autre forniz
      Du muy desert hor mis brave & genest
      L'escript d'empereur le fenix
      Veu en celui ce qu'a` nul autre n'est.)

    Who else could possibly be the "Phoenix Emperor"?
  7. Tracy Gies

    Tracy Gies New Member

    Do you suppose that there is a way to genetically alter the cloned cats so that they will come when you call them?

  8. pmn

    pmn New Member

    1. Cats coming when called? That would be more along the lines of miraculous, not (genetic) manipulation.

    2. As a recent e-forward suggested: "dogs have owners, cats have staff."

    3. Has anyone seen the movie DUPLICITY? Seems faded fur might not be the only spin-off from the norm.
  9. Guest

    Guest Guest

    In Steven King's novel Pet Semetary there was a cat named "Church," which upon being killed was taken to the old Indian burial ground. The cat came back to life, although somewhat deranged, demonized and with a foul odor.

    Did Steven King earn his doctorate in novelology from the University of Phoenix? Perhaps this is where Mr. Sperling got the idea of cat cloning! :D
  10. dlkereluk

    dlkereluk New Member

    The shareholders of the UoP must be really proud of their investment in such a forward-thinking institution now. :rolleyes:
  11. Matt Geil

    Matt Geil New Member

    "Hundreds of Millions of dollars"

    Slight correction, he and his son are both worth over a billion each. He admitted as much in an interview with either 20/20 or 60 Minutes, I can't remember which.


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