
Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussions' started by Kizmet, May 4, 2011.

  1. Kizmet

    Kizmet Moderator

    I made a big mistake the other day. I let myself take a nap in the afternoon and so I was awake half the night, watching infomercials. I watched this infomercial about a workout product (a bunch of CDs, etc.) called P90X and it was very convincing. I'm wondering if anyone has bought this product and what they think. It's not especially cheap and I don't want to just throw my money away. Any input will be appreciated.
  2. Randell1234

    Randell1234 Moderator

    I know someone (a marathon runner) that got it and said it kicked his ass. He said he was sore for two days after doing day one. I know someone else that got it and lasted to day 35 or 40 and said the results was just as shown on TV. I have been thinking about getting it for a long time...one day I will.
  3. Maniac Craniac

    Maniac Craniac Moderator Staff Member

    It's the real deal. Most people do not have the will power to follow it through. When I rack up the nerve, I'll get it myself. I've been doing Insanity (same company, different instructor and concept, but similar level of difficulty) off and on. Before the near perpetual illness that I've experienced the last few months (uuugggh....) which has sidelined me from exercise, I could actually feel my health improving day by day. If you are a runner, like me, I'd suggest you try Insanity first since it is more cardio than anaerobic, which P90x seems to be. I'm nearly certain that P90x will tear me to shreds, but I'm also sure that my body needs it for lifelong health.
  4. Kizmet

    Kizmet Moderator

    I can run all day but upper body strength has never been my best thing. The infomercials seem to focus on weight loss (after all, we are in the USA) but it's the strength component that impressed me. I had my credit card out but then I decided to post it here before I made the call. Thanks for your input.
  5. Maniac Craniac

    Maniac Craniac Moderator Staff Member

    Look for it on Ebay or cheapestdvdprice.com first. I bought Insanity from the latter and saved about $50 on the set.
  6. emmzee

    emmzee New Member

    I used it for awhile and yeah, it was pretty tough ... but then, I was/am not in the greatest shape. You're also expected to follow a pretty rigid diet, so the program is not just about exercise. I imagine if you follow it, exactly you'll have good results. I followed it moderately, and had moderate results ;)

    Also, for all those who've tried it ... "SUPERMAN! BANANA!" You really get to know those videos well after seeing them a couple of times. :D
  7. Maniac Craniac

    Maniac Craniac Moderator Staff Member


  8. friartuck

    friartuck New Member

  9. AUTiger00

    AUTiger00 New Member

    I did P90X early last year to take off the holiday pounds. I lost 17 lbs, which was 7 more than i was attempting to lose and I wasn't following the diet plan they include with the program, just doing the workouts. I've also done Insanity which is produced by the same company (BeachBody) and it is worse (harder) than P90X. There are no weights in Insanity, you'll need a set of dumbbells with P90X.

    I like both programs to mix up regular gym workouts. If you're not very active and want to lose weight, P90X will get you there. I'm pretty active (lift weights/run or bike 6 days a week) and I was sore after the first day of P90X. My only recommendation, if you have bad knees take it easy. A lot of plyometrics involved in these workouts.

    In case anyone is interested, the best part of the whole thing is that Tony Horton, the ripped guy who makes you feel pathetic while doing these workouts, is 51 years old.

    Has anyone seen Tony Horton/BeachBody's new excercise program. It's called 10 minute workout and you literally only work out 10 minutes each day. I caught the informercial the other morning while getting ready for work.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 4, 2011
  10. mattbrent

    mattbrent Well-Known Member

    I have some students who are doing P90X. They seem happy, and they're losing weight and getting toned. Another option is Insanity, but I've been told that P90X is a better way to start and THEN move on to Insanity.

  11. emmzee

    emmzee New Member

    There's also the "10 Minute Trainer" DVD from the same guy who does the P90X videos (Tony Horton) so that's another (cheaper) option, but when I tried it, I didn't like it ... 10 minutes really felt rushed, like just when I started to do one exercise we were already moving on to the next.
  12. friendorfoe

    friendorfoe Active Member

    We have P90X classes at the gym at my work...I watch while hitting the weights or running on the treadmill and it seems like a really kick butt program. Us Dilbert types are a little intimidated to just jump right in with a group of people who have been doing this since January so I mostly watch in admiration from the sidelines. But I'd love to give it a shot...the workouts are no joke.
  13. eilla05

    eilla05 New Member

    I have a friend (female) who lost mega weight and looks seriously hot now using P90x. Not sure if she followed the diet or just did the exercise. I have wanted to get it myself but alas just haven't.....making me want to now though!!!

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