Amazon Prime Shipping FREE for Students

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussions' started by TEKMAN, Feb 27, 2011.


    TEKMAN Semper Fi!

    Amazon Prime Free 1 year for students. As long as you have an *.EDU email account.

    URL: Amazon Student

    "Amazon Prime shipping benefits free for one year
    Unlimited FREE Two-Day Shipping on textbooks and millions of other items
    No minimum order size
    Upgrades to One-Day shipping for $3.99/item
    E-mail alerts for exclusive deals and promotions
    It's free for students - sign up by providing your school and major "
  2. Chip

    Chip Administrator

    Just to clarify, we generally don't allow posts that are advertising other sites and such, but this happens to be an exception. It is a really good deal in that you get 2 day shipping for free on practically everything Amazon sells, and all you need is a .edu email address.

    I have several friends using this now. There's no catch, except that after a year, they will auto-bill you for a renewal, which, if you forget to cancel, they will still refund if you haven't used the service after renewal.
  3. nanoose

    nanoose New Member

    Unfortunately - only for those in the US (and possibly only the contiguous portion thereof...can't recall).
  4. StefanM

    StefanM New Member

    I have been using this like a madman.
  5. GeneralSnus

    GeneralSnus Member

    Amazon doesn't auto-bill for Student Prime memberships.

  6. mcjon77

    mcjon77 Member

    DON'T DO IT!!!

    Amazon prime is like crack. You get hooked REALLY QUICK. I've had it for the past few years and it has turned me into an amazon addict. :) I have bought so many books and DVDs it is unreal. The first year I had amazon prime I bought more books and DVDs than the previous 2 or 3 years combined. I was spending so much on it they stopped rebilling me after the first year and just gave me amazon prime for free. If I can wait 2 days and amazon sells it I buy it from them. It also pretty much killed my shopping at Borders. I used to be a regular customer there. Now I have probably bought one thing from them in the past 2 years.

    It is an addiction.

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