Inconsistent Grading Standards

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussions' started by emissary, Oct 19, 2010.

  1. emissary

    emissary New Member


    I have a humanities professor in a 100% subjective class format who is tough. Very tough. Like militant-lesbian-bitch-teaching-feminist-studies-class tough. I'm cool with that, though. I enjoy a rigorous educational process, and I certainly enjoy a challenge. But this professor is so inconsistent in her grading from week to week that you never know where you're at with her. It has become evident that there are weeks that she reads our responses, and there are weeks she barely glances at them.

    The standard of my work is generally very high. When it's not, I expect to get docked. I'm also ok with that. But when a professor is quite obviously more engaged some weeks than others, but then she absolutely slams me one week over an issue that has been an absolute, blatant non-issue for the entire semester, that's my threshold. It just makes me want to :eek:p: well, you get the picture. I've had enough. Ethics be damned, I am sick of reading 200+ pages every week for this one class without any assurance of what my rubric is for that week. Sparknotes, here I come. :sgrin: I have more important things to do than to let this time vampire steal 6 hours every week.

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