NGO Status with the UN

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussions' started by Guest, Dec 8, 2001.

  1. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Question for some of the experts in other areas. How hard is it to get Non Governmental Observer status with the United National as well as consultative status on some of the committees?

    The reason I ask is the a religious entity, the World Council of Independent Christian Churches has such status (not to be confused with the World Council of Churches).

    Thanks in advance for any input.

  2. cbkent

    cbkent Member


    There are two routes to obtain NGO status at the UN, Consultative Status with ECOSOC (which has several levels), and status with DPI (the Department of Public Information).

    DPI status is said to have somewhat less burdensome requirements, although typically only about 30 NGOs/yr qualify as DPI NGOs.

    Detailed information is available on the UN web site,

    There is a fair amount of paper work and waiting.

    Once your organization is accredited, you can join committees. Most committees permit only ECOSOC representatives to hold office, although DPI representatives are generally welcome as members.

    Best wishes,

    Christopher Kent
    Main Representative of the World Chiropractic Alliance to the Department of Public Information, affiliated with the United Nations.

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