Raising Your GPA for Entrance into a Graduate Program

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussions' started by me again, Nov 20, 2001.

  1. me again

    me again Well-Known Member

    Raising Your GPA for Entrance into a Graduate Program

    In another thread, Howard was talking about how he raised his GPA. Ironically, I fall into the same boat:

    My first two years was at a community college. I didn't crack open a book for most of the classes and my GPA was about a 2.1. [​IMG]

    Sixteen years later, I transferred to a four year college to complete a bachelors degree. Being more studious and mature (and paying the tuition myself [​IMG] ), my GPA was about a 3.4.

    For entrance into our cohort-graduate program, they only look at the last two years of coursework. Whew!

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