Matt Ridley: When ideas have sex (Educational)

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussions' started by b4cz28, Jul 19, 2010.

  1. b4cz28

    b4cz28 Active Member

  2. Maniac Craniac

    Maniac Craniac Moderator Staff Member

    His ideas about population and prosperity perfectly reflect the ideas of Julius Simon and Ester Boserup, except they weren't nearly as biologically-centered as Ridley is.

    EDIT: I'm still in the middle of watching it, and I noticed that his ideas about trade and specialization are similar to the ideas of Emile Durkheim.

    EDIT: This is absolutely classic "[ants have] a reproductive division of labor. That is to say, they specialize with respect to reproduction- the queen does it all. In our species, we don't like doing that. Its the one thing we insist on doing for ourselves. *audience laughs*"

    In the comments section:
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 20, 2010
  3. Maniac Craniac

    Maniac Craniac Moderator Staff Member

    Thanks for posting this.
  4. b4cz28

    b4cz28 Active Member

    No prob. I though it was great, he made me think. When I was done watching it I was still thinking about it.
  5. fighterman

    fighterman member

    That is really a great video,i haven't ever seen this type of video.Thanks for the post.:)
  6. Kizmet

    Kizmet Moderator

    You and MC are quite a pair. You both tell us all "good-bye, I'm away on vacation to some exotic location..." and then you just keep on posting.

    We might need to start a degreeinfo 12 step program. ;)

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