Only Ignorant Rednecks Approve of UoP

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussions' started by BrandeX, May 27, 2010.

  1. BrandeX

    BrandeX New Member

    A "joke" for the boards from a recent webcomic. If nothing else, this further illustrates public perception of distance learning in general, and UoP the brand-name leader in particular.
  2. b4cz28

    b4cz28 Active Member

    I take it this was not made by an American.
  3. BrandeX

    BrandeX New Member

    The website looks american I guess.
  4. perrymk

    perrymk Member

    True story
    A few years ago I was talking with a Greek cousin in Greece.
    cousin: I like Americans, but I don't like the American government.
    me: Americans feel the same way.

    One of the great things about this country and being a part of it is we can disagree and even laugh at ourselves once in a while.
  5. Maniac Craniac

    Maniac Craniac Moderator Staff Member

    The second panel says "our founding fathers" and the last panel's little pun-ish thing wouldn't generally be understood by people from another country.

    I agree with the third pane however. That may not yet be the typical American, but that characterization is increasingly becoming the typical American.
  6. -kevin-

    -kevin- Resident Redneck

    The first panel is inaccurate and should state "I ain't votin' for no one who don't have a degree from a SEC school!".

    The artist is American, read:


    This guy is a slacker who proves the value of our First Amendment.

    I personally like "regular" Americans.
  7. BillDayson

    BillDayson New Member

    It's hard to imagine how it could have been made by anyone but an American.

    It's a political cartoon of a leftish sort, the kind of cartoon that appears in urban alternative newspapers.

    The cartoon appears to be expressing frustration at the increasing anti-incumbent mood in the country, coming so soon after Obama's triumphant and permanently game-changing victory.

    It's a common conceit among leftists that they are smarter than other people, society's natural leaders, and that anyone who opposes their vision are clueless and dangerous dolts.

    So that's what this cartoon was created to illustrate. There's a populist mood in the country, but it isn't flowing towards the left. Therefore, in the artist's view, it must be flowing toward the idiots.

    "Regular Americans" (and the artist asks his readers to contemplate for a moment what they believe a 'regular American' is) have turned their back on their natural leaders and seemingly prefer to elect people just like themselves.

    This is basically an expression of anti-democratic sentiment, a bitter little 'fuck-you' directed at the American electorate.

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