Survey questions for satisfaction - help needed

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussions' started by Randell1234, Jul 8, 2009.

  1. Randell1234

    Randell1234 Moderator

    I am building the questions for my research and will use the Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire for employee sat and need to find a time-tested survey to measure employee’s satisfaction with communication. Someone told me there is a company in California (he thinks) that has about 14,000 surveys for sale. He said they have a survey for everything and they are of academic quality.

    If anyone knows what company he is referring to or know of a good survey to measure employees satisfaction/expectations with communication I would like to know. Thanks.
  2. Randell1234

    Randell1234 Moderator

    I found something that works - never mind. I found the Downs and Hazen's (1977) Communication Satisfaction Questionnaire (CSQ)

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