Nature's Power

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussions' started by ebbwvale, Feb 8, 2009.

  1. ebbwvale

    ebbwvale Member

    Every now and then you think that we have most things fairly well controlled. Suddenly, along comes nature and makes man an insignificant speck. Two things have happened in my country in the last week that have been caused by violent weather. Fortunately, I was spared this but many were not.

    The first happened in the north of the country with metres of rain falling. More than half of my state is under water, while the remainder is in drought. Half my state is about half the size of Texas to give an idea of the scale. People's houses are under water, no power, no sewerage, no food, and a number of other miseries. Crocodiles are swimming down Main Street in some areas. One five year old has already been taken and few others drowned. The rains are continuing, although it is expected to ease in the next few days. No crops, cattle, or working industry, just mud and dislocated wildlife.

    In the State of Victoria in the south of the country, bushfires (wildfires) have devastated towns and left at least 108 people dead. The flames were the size of ten storey buildings and moved at the pace of a jogger across entire communities. Many towns no longer exist. A lot people were burnt to death in their cars while fleeing. The fire's ferocity was unprecedented in our known history. It had its origins in a long drought, temperatures of 117 degrees, and a very strong wind. It was also helped by arsonists (now murderers). The fires are still burning, people are still struggling.

    Nature has again put complacent man back in his place. The rich, the poor, the ignorant, and the educated are reduced to one humanity. People are just busily trying to survive. No debates about resumes, the best degrees, the best jobs, cars or houses, just the raw basic need to survive. No matter what we know, what we have, or who we are, there are forces more powerful than us that can reduce our futures to ashes and drown our dreams in an instant.

    One blinding bit of hope that kindles the heart and gives comfort, is the caring and sharing nature of my countrymen. Nobody is alone. With that knowledge, perhaps futures may be rebuilt and dreams can replace nightmares. As just one Australian, I wish thank the others in the world who have offered support or condolences. It has been a very tough week for many downunder.
  2. -kevin-

    -kevin- Resident Redneck

    Best wishes for a speedy recovery for you and your countrymen.
  3. Abner

    Abner Well-Known Member

    I am glad you were spared. I will pray for you, your neigbhors and family.

  4. Angie1313

    Angie1313 New Member

    If you need anything please don't hesitate to ask.
  5. ebbwvale

    ebbwvale Member

    Thank you for your kind thoughts and offer to help. The death toll in the fires has risen to 183 who have been burnt to death. The body count is not over yet. Australian Firefighters have a strong relationship with the US. Quite often our fellows are assisting US firefighters and now I understand US Firefighters are assisting us. Our summers are at different times and it makes sense to pool resources in key areas.

    It has been an extraordinary summer. The rains are still falling in the north with another severe storm on the way and the fires still burning in the south. There has been a dozen or so shark attacks this summer. The last one was yesterday when a navy diver was bitten. Fortunately, he punched it several times and it let him go. His condition is still serious. Crocodile attacks are up as well.

    About 50 million AUD dollars has been donated to the Red Cross in Australia for the fires. Some volunteer firefighters were out fighting fires without knowing that their families were perishing in the fire as well. It is great to see people bond in these circumstances. Even with the wildlife.

    Koalas don't normally take water directly. If they are not hydrated, however, their kidneys shutdown very quickly.

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