Post-doctoral award

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussions' started by KKA, Jan 1, 2009.

  1. KKA

    KKA Member


    I have a question regarding postdoctoral work.

    Generally, I know it is used as a platform for a faculty appointment and the research-based results generated during the appointment are also reported during the same timeframe of the appointment.

    I am wondering of there is some kind of "degree" award associated with it. In other words, has there been such a thing as awarding some kind of degree--perhaps, a second doctoral qualification?

    Just musing...

  2. RFValve

    RFValve Well-Known Member

    Post docs are normally positions and not really degree programs. You are hired with a salary to do some research work. Some schools will award a post doctoral fellowship certificate as a way to recognize the work but not all.

    I have never heard of schools awarding second PhDs for post docs. Post docs are normally used to build your publication record as a way to secure a tenure track position.

    There are some post doc academic programs that are not really positions but full programs as the one below:

    You still don't end with a second doctorate but a post doctoral certificate.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 1, 2009

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