Possible offer

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussions' started by buckwheat3, Mar 16, 2008.

  1. buckwheat3

    buckwheat3 Master of the Obvious

    Hey folks I need some wisdom in deciding which path in life to pursue.

    I have a very strong possibility of teaching history in a local community college full time. While it does not pay as much as my current salary, it would be a position I would love to have.

    I have no debt, student loans, mortgage etc. I just pay usual monthly/annual stuff like utilities, taxes and so on.

    While I still consider myself young I can possibly go another 25 years before retirement.

    Yet wifey and I have a 5 yr old ( yes late in life on the kiddie thing) but I do have a few bucks saved up in a 401K & IRA that I could earmark her college tuition for four years if need be in most many colleges except the very expensive muckity-muck ivy leagues.

    While my current profession has been very good to me for the last 30 years and by now I can do all the technical stuff blindfolded it is however in manufacturing and we all know year by year how that industry in the U.S. is being chipped away.

    So do I want to gamble and hang in there for the good bucks, in hopes my job doesn’t crap out and go to China. But lets say if the horrible does happen in my latter 50's when you expect to have trouble finding a job...ouch. Or do I jump ship for lower pay, but with the possibility of better job security down the road?

    What do ye say? Follow my dreams or keep slaying the dragon while making good money?

    Does anyone have a similar situation in which they felt they later made the right/wrong decision?

    Say whats on your mind, I have a tough hide.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 16, 2008
  2. sentinel

    sentinel New Member

    When you wake-up in the morning and heading out the door which (current job in manufacturing or teaching history in a local community college) would you rather be doing?
  3. Tireman 44444

    Tireman 44444 Well-Known Member

    Well we have discussed this before. I think you have to go with what you feel. I will call you tomorrow.
  4. mattbrent

    mattbrent Well-Known Member

    Well I'm biased because I teach history, albeit at a high school. I think you should go for the teaching position. Sure, the salary may be less, but if you can still support your family, why not try it?

    As for your child's college tuition, Suzy Orman suggests letting them take out students loans as a way for them to learn to manage debt. She suggests worrying about your own income and savings as your children will have plenty of time to pay back their own debt. Plus there are plenty of scholarships out there.

    Of course, if you don't want to teach, just slide your hard earned MA in History over to me, and I'll gladly pretend to be you and teach at the community college! :)

  5. Bruce

    Bruce Moderator

    With the caveat that money means little to me, I would say go with what's going to make you happy. However, just because I'm not material doesn't mean I'm not realistic; you have to be able to provide for your family but if you can while doing something you enjoy, I believe that's what's known as a "win-win". :)
  6. perrymk

    perrymk Member

    Other education funding options include employment that pays tuition. Many government jobs fall into this category. Also the military offers a college fund. I went this route although I had the good fortune to do so when there wasn't a war going on.

    I don't like the idea of incurring excessive debt especially for someone just starting out. I recognize sometimes it is necessary. However, many community colleges offer free tuition to kids of professors so there is another option.
  7. SteveFoerster

    SteveFoerster Resident Gadfly Staff Member

    The way you've described it, were I in that situation I'd choose the teaching job hands down. You only get one chance to live, and that's the one where you'd be happier.

    Good luck,

  8. Randell1234

    Randell1234 Moderator

    If teaching is what would make you happy - go for it. If money becomes an issue you could always pick up a few classes online to teach. I am looking at my online teaching gig as an alternative to a "real" job - someday I will just teach online.
  9. tcnixon

    tcnixon Active Member

    It sounds to me as if you already know what you would like to do. It's more a matter of what you need to do. Here's a thought:

    Imagine you at 65. Which career would you rather look back on?

    By the way, it may pay less, but the odds are that it provides more in other ways such as vacation times that closely match your daughter's time off. How much is that worth to you?

    Tom Nixon
  10. spmoran

    spmoran Member

    And if you have chickens you'll need less money! I know what I would do. :)

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