Conservation in Action?

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussions' started by Pugman, Apr 5, 2007.

  1. Pugman

    Pugman New Member

  2. raristud2

    raristud2 New Member

    now that is a compassionate conservative

    "Mr. Faulkner told me that he saw tears in his daughter�s eyes, and saw emotion that he hadn�t seen from his daughter in 2 � years. Ashley told her dad, �The way he was holding me, with my head against his chest, it felt like he was trying to protect me, he wanted to make sure that I was safe.� That feeling is captured in a very clear way in this moving unscripted photo. It�s the only photo of this special embrace as the press corps had already been ushered back on the bus. And the photo was never meant for publication. All Mr. Faulkner did when he returned home from the event was e-mail it to 15 friends and family. But by the middle of last week, I had received the photo from eight different people. Others were also receiving the photo and forwarding it along. It became an Internet phenomonen, as it was e-mailed around America.

    Mr. Faulkner called the embrace �President Bush�s precious gift to my daughter.� And with his small act of e-mailing that photo to friends and family, the picture can now become a gift to the American people.

    And as sad as the story is the release and publication is a good thing. Disgusting photos coming out of Iraq for the past 10 days have shocked Americans, as they should have. But no longer are the terrible images of 9/11 shown. While the Iraq prison photos have been picked up by the elite media and shown time and again, this touching photo has gone largely ignored by the mainstream media. But the alternative media has made this touching powerful photo one of the most e-mailed photos of last week. The Internet once again took over where the elite media failed."

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