Mr. Warf! fire phasers and photon torpedos

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussions' started by raristud2, Feb 22, 2007.

  1. raristud2

    raristud2 New Member

    "A laser developed for military use is a few steps away from hitting a power threshold thought necessary to turn it into a battlefield weapon."

    I wonder what kind of shield technology the US is developing or has created.
  2. Jigamafloo

    Jigamafloo New Member

    According to Star Trek rules of engagement, don't nameless ensigns make the best shields? :) :)

  3. SteveFoerster

    SteveFoerster Resident Gadfly Staff Member

    Polarized hull plating. I'm kidding, of course, but at the same time, note the italicized sentence at the end....

  4. raristud2

    raristud2 New Member

    Nice info. Didn't know ceramics can harden with electric currents. Does this only apply to ceramics?
  5. raristud2

    raristud2 New Member

    Nameless ensign goes on an away mission. What could possibly go wrong?
  6. KariS

    KariS New Member

  7. Chip

    Chip Administrator

    Remember that "nameless ensign" must be wearing a red tunic (at least, in the original series.)
  8. BillDayson

    BillDayson New Member

    Here's an Australian page with several good photos of the US Air Force's YAL 1A laser battle station. It's a Boeing 747 with a giant chemical laser in the passenger compartment and lenses in a nose turret that's intended to focus a destructive energy beam on missiles and aircraft hundreds of miles away.

    And here's the Air Force Research Laboratory's Directed Energy Directorate.

    Lots of stuff to get you hot and cookin', like high-power microwave weapons. Imagine turning your microwave oven inside out so that it cooks whatever you point it at. Actually, these things apparently have a limited lethal range, but they are extremely unpleasant much further out, so they are being tested as non-lethal area-denial weapons. (It's probably not a barrel of laughs when the fluid in your eyeballs starts to heat up...)

    The AFRL's DED's motto is "Peace through Light".

    Here's a picture gallery of some of their projects.

    They even have a rifle-sized (supposedly) non-lethal laser system designed to temporarily incapacitate enemy combatants, called Personnel Halting And Stimulation Response (PHASR). Set your phasrs on stun.
  9. raristud2

    raristud2 New Member

    scotty! shields up!

    "British scientists are planning to see whether a Star Trek-style deflector shield could be built to protect astronauts from radiation.

    They argue that magnetic shields could be deployed around spacecraft and on the surfaces of planets to deflect harmful energised particles

    To create the deflector shield around a spacecraft or on the surface of a planet or moon, scientists need to generate a magnetic field and then fill it with ionised gas called plasma."
  10. John Bear

    John Bear Senior Member

    Bill: "...a Boeing 747 with a giant chemical laser in the passenger compartment..."

    The passengers on that flight wondered how they got it through security.

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