Heard the One About the 600,000 Chinese Engineers?

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussions' started by Lerner, May 30, 2006.

  1. Lerner

    Lerner Well-Known Member

    1. Heard the One About the 600,000 Chinese Engineers?
    Washington Post (05/21/06) P. B3; Bracey, Gerald W.

  2. SteveFoerster

    SteveFoerster Resident Gadfly Staff Member

    In Mark Twain's autobiography, he wrote:
  3. Lerner

    Lerner Well-Known Member

    My father in law - used to say the same thing.

    He was SAS - Statistical Analysis Software guru ans ran Statistics studies for many well known Insurance and other companies.
    At one time he was president of SAS institute.

    Boy! Stories I hear from him about manipulation of stats.

    Now I know were did he borrowed the 3 lies expression :).
  4. CalDog

    CalDog New Member

    The Duke report is here.

    The traditional 70,000 engineers per year figure for the US appears to be basically accurate. That number reflects accredited 4-year engineering degrees. But it does not include computer science degrees, IT or other technology degrees, or sub-baccalaureate (associate's) degrees.

    According to the Duke study, the much larger numbers often cited for "engineers" from India and China are not comparable, because they do include these other types of degrees.

    If you make the appropriate adjustments, then the US numbers appear to be much stronger. The US appears to be training more engineers (and related technical personnel) per capita than China or India.

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