Fall Puzzler

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussions' started by John Bear, Nov 20, 2005.

  1. John Bear

    John Bear Senior Member

    Recent postings about properly accredited schools with names like Morrison, Neumont, and Northface remind me how many names there are now that are unfamiliar to me.

    For a fall puzzler, the question is: what is the longest single (stand alone) word that is used in the name of a U.S.-based degree-granting college or university with recognized accreditation (regional, national, or professional)? (Hyphenated words don't count. German university names most emphatically don't count.)

    A signed copy of either my Degree Mills book or my How to Repair Food book to the first posting with the longest word. Hyphenated words don't count. Decision of the judge is final.
  2. Felipe C. Abala

    Felipe C. Abala New Member

  3. mattchand

    mattchand Member

    Hmmm.... After a quick search, I happened on what I suspect could be the winner, which is...... Ta Da: INTERDENOMINATIONAL Theological Seminary, accredited by both SACS as well as ATS. If I win, the choice is definiately the Degree Mills book.


  4. John Bear

    John Bear Senior Member

    Confession: I didn't (and perhaps don't) know the answer. I had found a couple of 14-letter ones (Campbellsville, Stautzenberger). "Interdenominational" has 19 letters. Let's give it another week to see if anyone comes up with anything longer--say midnight on the 26th.

    I recall reading once that nearly all of the longest one-word city names are either in Pennsylvania (e.g. Kleinfeltersville) or Maine (e.g. Mooselookmeguntic). But even if those had a state college, it wouldn't top Interdenominational.
  5. Ted Heiks

    Ted Heiks Moderator and Distinguished Senior Member

    Well, if somebody were to create their own university, get it accredited, and incorporate the word "superinterdisciplinary" in the name, that would be 22 letters.
  6. decimon

    decimon Well-Known Member

    Miles College should surely be the winner.
  7. mattchand

    mattchand Member

    Perhaps Antidisestablishmentarian Theological Seminary?

    Or perhaps Supercalafragilisticexpialadocious Institute of Mary Poppins Studies?

    heh heh....


  8. John Bear

    John Bear Senior Member

    The longest word in the Merriam-Webster unabridged dictionary is pneumonoultramicroscopicvolcanokoniosis. Institute for the Study of [That], perhaps.
  9. mattchand

    mattchand Member

    Nah, they'd probably call it something like, "PNMVK International University", and THEN it would turn out to be a mill anyway!:D
  10. John Bear

    John Bear Senior Member

    No one has topped mattchand's 19-letter word, so a copy of the Degree Mills book is winging his way.

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