Happy Birthday, Buckwheat!

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussions' started by Ted Heiks, Jul 22, 2005.

  1. Ted Heiks

    Ted Heiks Moderator and Distinguished Senior Member

    Happy birthday!
  2. Abner

    Abner Well-Known Member

    Happy Birthday!

    Happy Birthday Buckwheat!!

    Abner :)
  3. buckwheat3

    buckwheat3 Master of the Obvious

    Hey Folks,

    Thanks! FWIW, Years ago as a child (about the third grade), we were introduced to the Spanish explores and I talked my mother into taking us to Saint Augustine Fla. for our annual vacation.

    While touring the legendary Fountain of Youth they offered us some of the water from the natural spring that Ponce De Leon once drank from! Well to make things short, time continued marching on. Years later I got married and while Wifey and I were doing our annual vaction we decided on cramming as much of Florida in as possible during two weeks, and yep you guessed it, on our swing northward back to South Carolina we, well, I should say I had to stop by St. Augustine and once again tour the trappings.
    Once again, I hit upon that spring... and time still keeps marching on.

    Since that spring is only legendary at maintaining youth, perhaps at least I can hope for infamy like Ponce De Leon; maybe not as a famous explorer or brave, bold hero..but perhaps in some small mundane way as Thomas Crapper or the guy who discovered a way to permanently kill Kudzo.

    Best to everyone,
  4. Tireman44

    Tireman44 member

    Happy Birthday Gavin. Hang in there, I know I am. History can be a rough business!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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