Has anyone heard of the homing pigeon experiment

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussions' started by Randell1234, May 24, 2005.

  1. Randell1234

    Randell1234 Moderator

    I read about an experiment where moving homing pigeon food (or home - don't remember) once is OK, they will find it. If you move it again, they will never find it.

    Who did this experiment? I read about it in the context of keeping an employer on their toes. If you do not feel appreciated, clean up your desk and pack personal belongings. This will give the impression you are quitting.

    The next week, by a fichus tree, which is a sign of stability. The theory is that this will confuse everyone and you will be appreciated (if you have value to the company).
  2. Jack Tracey

    Jack Tracey New Member

    One slight modification. If you work in a cubicle jungle where there are no windows, don't buy a ficus tree (or any other plant I know). This would be a sign of stupidity. Or, it might be a sign of sadism. Well, OK, sadism might be an advantage in some work environments. But, it might depend entirely on the personality of your boss. Does your boss have plants? Does your boss have windows? Is your boss sadistic? Of course, your boss might be nice to his/her plants and yet be quite nasty to people. What to do, what to do...perhaps a venus fly trap. Perhaps something along the lines of Nightshade. Or, wait...wait...maybe...
  3. Randell1234

    Randell1234 Moderator

    A bit off track, but the question was "Who did this experiment?" :D
  4. Jack Tracey

    Jack Tracey New Member

    Sorry, never heard of it before today. My loss, I'm sure.
  5. Randell1234

    Randell1234 Moderator

    I found my pigeon story. It was in the book “You’ve Only Got Three Seconds”. BF Skinners performed the experiment.

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