Philosophers take note: this is what Nietzsche called "Ressentiment" (milled fine)

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussions' started by uncle janko, Mar 21, 2005.

  1. uncle janko

    uncle janko member

    Quoted from a less-than-wonderful's website on another forum by a semi-Sir who likes to trash us, and repeated here beyond good and evil.

    "What use to any company is an Ivy League graduate who is unable to apply their knowledge to real situations? What value is a degree from an accredited college that was only barely achieved despite missed classes and half done assignments? If an employer is looking for an accredited college graduate, then it is your job to disabuse them of the idea that such a graduate could perform the job any better than you can. Any employers who cannot recognize the value in your hard earned qualification are only hurting themselves, because they are losing out on all you have to offer. But if they are a product of an education system that values only the name of a school, then you must be the person to change their minds."

    When you quit laughing, consider this:

    What use is an entity graduate who has less knowledge than he thinks he does to apply to real situations (real being a novel experience)? What value is a degree from an unaccredited college that was only barely printable despite shoddy classes and requirements only half-done compared to those of legitimate schools? If an employer is looking for an unaccredited school graduate, it is your job to disabuse them of the haunting feeling that in this they are utterly alone in the great, wide world. Any employers who cannot recognize the value--for exactly what it is--in the degree you bought with hard earned cash are only hurting themselves, because they are losing out on all that graduates with real degrees from legitimate schools have to offer. But if they are the product of an educational system that values only the website of a school and their credit card clearing, then you must be the person to commiserate in their Ressentiment of those who know their ass from their elbow.

    As Lou Andreas Salome said to Paul Ree, "It's just ducky."

    Ever notice how all populism is fraud?
  2. nosborne48

    nosborne48 Well-Known Member


    All I can say is, "When you go to employers, take your whip."
  3. uncle janko

    uncle janko member

    Ow. Hurt meself larfin.:p
  4. Jake_A

    Jake_A New Member

    Lawd, Howling Lawd!

    Hell must be freezing over today!

    Entity outposts, outfits, misfits, shills and shrills:

    Thank your stars - Today - and pour a mighty libation to the gods of diploma mill-land and unwonderful Entity Sleazedoms!

    Uncle Janko has come to your rescue!

    Today - of all days (see next sentence) - is the day on which immovable and venerable Uncle Janko becomes a prized counsel, advocate and champion for the wisdom espoused on websites of unwonderful entities and outright diploma mills!


    I received Today four resumes (one in person and three by mail)from prospective employees seeking interviews that I summarily jetted into the trash can - after enjoying a thorough round of thigh-clapping hollerings and laughter with my other Managers and staff - and you can guess why.

    However, I must apologize to you severely while I request your personal intervention to convince me and my Department Heads why I must consider and possibly hire these four "entity graduates of unwonderful and unaccredited outfits" since, according to their website, they may have more knowledge to apply to real situations than the scores of candidates from the many accredited colleges from whom we receive aplications almost all of the time.

    -- Waiting for the uproarious laughter to die down --------

    ---- Ok, calm down now, y'all ------------

    Seriously, though, Uncle, thanks for substituting the mill's own words and throwing it back at them.

    Quite brilliant, if i may say so myself. You do justice to Philosopher Nietzsche's "Ressentiment" treatise.

  5. adireynolds

    adireynolds New Member



    You did it to me again, only this time it's my early morning tea. Brilliant.

    (goes off to tend to very sore nose)


  6. Tom57

    Tom57 Member

    Uncle Janko,

    Yep, beautifully done. It just goes to show that the best response often comes from holding up a mirror. Is it vampires that can't stand their own reflections?

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