Multiple Personalities

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussions' started by amylong, Feb 28, 2005.

  1. amylong

    amylong New Member

    This is somewhat connected to the serial killer thread, but are any of you familiar with multiple personalities?

    I remember one guy by the name of Billy Milligan who had many and one or two of them were criminals.

    How do you punish the one without punishing the others?

  2. Mr. Engineer

    Mr. Engineer member

    I think the simple answer to that is that despite multiple personalities, it is still only one person.
  3. amylong

    amylong New Member

    That's what they ended up doing. What choice did they have?

    Multiples are interesting though because objectively, they record as different people.

    Different heart rates, different prescription glasses, some are diabetic and some not.

    It's really interesting.

    People could fake certainparts of it but it'd be hard to fake diabetes.

  4. Michael Lloyd

    Michael Lloyd New Member

    I am not a behavioral-health expert, nor did I stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night. But haven't I read some things in the popular press that suggests that there is not a consensus in the psychiatric community that MPD truly exists? And that it is primarily only the United States psychiatric community who does think it exists?

    Is this correct or is my recollection faulty?
  5. Clay

    Clay New Member


    A check of the DSM4 does not disclose Multiple Personnality's, but does make reference to Dissociative Identity Disorder(300.14).
    I believe most reputable MH folks don't buy into the MPD excuse any longer. I would also like to see the reference to a MP with and w/o diabetes. This sounds like the satanic breeder fad of the 80's. This was believed by several MH pros, but proved to be totally false. Similar to false memories, which has been proven true.
  6. decimon

    decimon Well-Known Member

    Now ask yourself, do we believe this?
  7. Clay

    Clay New Member


    I can talk like Donald Duck. May try it next time I kill someone.
  8. Clay

    Clay New Member


    I can also regulate my pulse and BP at will. Took practice, but nothing impossible. Where's the beef? Wearing different glasses won't get it. Very little practice will enable one to focus or unfocus on an item. A reputable reference,reference the diabetes needs to be given. Preferably not the Scientology Digest.
  9. nosborne48

    nosborne48 Well-Known Member

    As of a few years ago, anyway, Multiple Personality Disorder was NOT a DSM IV recognized condition. There is no consensus in the forensic psychology world as to whether it is real or merely the result of inmate manipulation of the researcher or therapist.
    Frankly, it all sounds just a little TOO bizarre to me to be true.
    I've never had a client try to claim this defense, never SEEN a defendant try it either, for that matter.
    I have seen psychoses of various sorts and causes, all of them appalling to some degree. I think that the shrinks are right when they caution us that malingering is sometimes very hard to rule out.
  10. uncle janko

    uncle janko member

    I don't understand you eejits at all

    How can anybody know anything about Saint Regis and deny MPD is real?
  11. Jack Tracey

    Jack Tracey New Member

    If I remember correctly, the "Hillside Strangler" tried to use this as a part of an insanity defense. Expert Psychiatric evaluation demonstrated that he was faking it.
  12. Clay

    Clay New Member


    Tried it on several ex's, but no go. Also tried dissociative fugue. Any recommendations for future excuses? Fortunately no wives in picture, but always need a good excuse. Stupidity too obvious. Need to change thread to Believable Excuses.
  13. Michael Lloyd

    Michael Lloyd New Member

    Re: MPD

    Possession by a hostile, mind-controlling alien always seemed to work on Star Trek!
  14. DesElms

    DesElms New Member

    Okay... so here's my best multiple personality one-liner...

    I met Sybil once... boy, she was good people.


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