Mich. to grade essays via computer

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussions' started by JoAnnP38, Jan 25, 2005.

  1. JoAnnP38

    JoAnnP38 Member

  2. -kevin-

    -kevin- Resident Redneck


    we continue to find a way to take the educator out of the process in an effort to ensure objectivity and save money in the process. A computer can measure syllabals, word length, sentence length, passivity, etc... but can it really measure creativity and uniqueness in this area? I don't believe so. I believe that a learned professor who has experience in the subject matter can provide an enlightment regarding a topic in relation to an audience that no computer can replace. While I have worked with speech recognition programs and special adaptations for both the technical and legal field I just don't think we should take humans out of all the equations. Especially where subjectivity has traditionally been the norm in the evaluation process.
  3. ashton

    ashton New Member

    Never mind creativity or uniqueness; I doubt a computer could detect whether an essay is even true, or if the answer is in any sense correct.

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