A warning to diploma mills setting up in tax havens

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussions' started by George Brown, Dec 20, 2004.

  1. George Brown

    George Brown Active Member

  2. SteveFoerster

    SteveFoerster Resident Gadfly Staff Member

    Maybe you got to see the whole thing and there's more in there, but from this it's unclear what this has to do with degree mills. Is there more to the story?

  3. George Brown

    George Brown Active Member

    Yes the whole story was online, however it looks like it has been cut. Sorry.


  4. adamsmith

    adamsmith member

    If it only affects banking in tax havens, I think it will have little effect on diploma mills.

    Most dm's don't bank in tax havens as the bank fees are too high and the banking procedures too messy; they just op for the local bank, bearing in mind that most operators do not reside in the haven itself.
  5. horne

    horne New Member

    <sarcasm>Many of the largest corporations in the United States have moved their HQs to tax havens. So exactly what is your point about dipoma mills doing the same thing?</sarcasm>
  6. PJFrench

    PJFrench member

    There are 2 major reasons ofr using havens:

    1. Corporate and tax effective planning
    2. Veil of secrecy as to ownership

    The second appeals to charlatans like the owners/operators of degree mills. The veil has now been very purposely penetrated by the almost globally agreed to banking disclosure laws. You may have blind trust but the benefits of the 'blind' side of it is more or less now negated.


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