Cambridge State University moves to Mississippi

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussions' started by John Bear, Nov 9, 2004.

  1. John Bear

    John Bear Senior Member

    Jeff Brunton in Hawaii reports that the total phony of that name, funded by the notorious and still imprisoned Ronald Pellar of Columbia State, run always from southern California, booted out of Louisiana, sued successfully by Hawaii, has now relocated to Mississippi.

    And any time anyone comes up with something positive to say about the World Association of Universities and Colleges, recall that WAUC has accredited them from the start, and still does.
  2. nosborne48

    nosborne48 Well-Known Member

    Well, of COURSE they do. The school continues to meet every WAUC standard, doesn't it? Well, DUH!
  3. uncle janko

    uncle janko member

    really scary, like farting in a camp-stove testing lab
    See the "attention students" bit.
    It's bigger than Sen. Clinton's vast right-wing conspiracy.
    It's better than a conspiracy so immense by Sen McCarthy.
    It's--telling the truth about quacks, ducks, pigeons, and turkeys.
    Maxine's a-gonna gitchu if you don' watch out.
  4. mineralhh

    mineralhh New Member

    in fact they are already no longer in mississippi but currently seem to be out of business. The question is rather for how long...

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