President For One Day

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussions' started by LadyExecutive, Sep 25, 2004.

  1. LadyExecutive

    LadyExecutive Member

    What are you views. I believe a larger part of education is knowing the varied views of others. Thus, I'd like to know how any of you would respond to this question.

    It is Yom Kippur & once again a group of Islamic countries has attacked Israel on the holiest of Jewish holidays. As President of the U.S. how would you handle this issue?

    What other parties would you ask for help?

    What economic consequences do you face?

    Is this the end of the expanding world economy or the beginning of some new world order?

    Are there any useful treaties or agreements that might help?
  2. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Quite simply, for me, the answer is that this is an Israeli problem, not an American one.

    Unless directly attacked or unless there is mass genocide (Bosnia) or starvation (Rwanda and the Sudan), I do not support U.S. intervention into foreign lands.

    Israel can take care of itself. Many of its problems would be solved with the establishment of a Palestinian state.
  3. Stanislav

    Stanislav Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: President For One Day

    I don't know much on the problem and I don't really care, but don't you think your last sentence is a bit idealistic?
  4. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Re: Re: Re: President For One Day

    I am sure it is. Breaking away from the stranglehold of England and forming a country of religious freedom might have been considered idealistic but it was accomplished.
  5. Stanislav

    Stanislav Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Re: Re: President For One Day

    I don't say that creating the Palestinian state is a bad idea (I think it isn't), and I think you're right and USA shouldn't invade.

    But do you honestly beleive Palestinian "freedom fighters" will cease to attack such a convenient target simply because they'll have their "state", officially? I don't think so. I think certain people just got too comfortable leading the "holy war" and will easily find the excuse to continue doing so. If Israel could realistically end violence by political means, it would do so.
  6. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: President For One Day

    Granted the history of that region, from Biblical times to the present, does not bode well for an end to terrorism, wars, conflicts, battles, and turmoil.

    I simply said idealism isn't bad and many seemingly impossible situations, conditions, and events have come to fruition because of an idea. As long as we have idealism we have hope and a chance for progress even against seemingly insurmountable odds.

    I agree that even if a Palestinian state were created, there would be those on both sides who continue to create disruption. Cooler heads must prevail in the Middle East. Both Israel and those opposed to her must learn to compromise.

    It's a big, complicated world that will be troublesome until Jesus returns.

    Even with a Palestinian state the best we can hope for is a semi "peaceful coexistence," I'm afraid, with periodic squrimishes.

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