Works Cited and APA format

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussions' started by Randell1234, Sep 19, 2004.

  1. Randell1234

    Randell1234 Moderator

    I am in the middle of my first (and possibly last) class at NCU for a PhD. When I had to write papers for TUI, maybe they did not really care about the proper APA format for works cited, but NCU is on my last nerve.

    I hate APA format for work cited. It takes me almost as long to find the proper format for five referances as it does to write this stupid two page paper.

    I hate my life...just need to vent. Thanks.
  2. Ian Anderson

    Ian Anderson Active Member

    I do not like the APA format either - although I use it in all my consulting work because I bought the APA guide. When clients insert my work into higher level documents I note that they often change the format - usually adding the first names of the author(s) and dropping the date from between the author and title.

    I think the APA it is something that you get used to. What bugs me is that for each of masters degree and for my NCU PhD courses I had to buy a new edition of the APA guide because there were significant changes between each edition.

    In my NCU course (LS6100) sometimes I could not find a suitable APA format I would make one up by combining features of other formats. I discussed this with my NCU mentor and he was very helpfull.
  3. uncle janko

    uncle janko member

    What's really fun is citing ancient authors APA style:

    Tullius Cicero, M. (51 BCE) De re publica
  4. George Brown

    George Brown Active Member

    It is a real pain

    ...have you seen this?

    Updates are emailed to you as it is changed.


  5. tesch

    tesch New Member

    Things can change dramatically once in a PhD program. My son is in the TUI PhD program and experiencing the same level of attention and scrutiny surrounding APA format in each of his courses. Indeed, I would expect the same from any PhD or doctoral level program.

    Here is an excellent APA source:

    Download the "Student Guide to APA Psychology 1.20 (Windows 650KB)" and keep it on your Windows desktop. I'm confident you will find it very helpful.

    Hang in there. Applying the APA style and format will become more and more familiar as you progress through your courses.


    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 20, 2004
  6. c.novick

    c.novick New Member

    I really enjoy writing my papers under the APA format.

    The more you read the APA Manual 5th edition, the easier it becomes to write your papers. I prefer APA over MLA.
  7. GBrown

    GBrown New Member

    Well, if you decide to go back to Touro University, you'll have to learn APA - it's the standard here, too.

    Good luck,

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