Jobs: Applied Communication

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussions' started by mdg1775, Sep 1, 2004.

  1. mdg1775

    mdg1775 New Member


    I am trying to help my niece land a job (I have done the Monster, Careerbuilder, hot jobs,, etc. bit) with her new Masters in Applied Communication. She doesn't have much real world experience, but would like to use her degree to get her in the door in a field related to her degree. Any suggestions? I have found nothing after searching the web and newspapers since May!!!

  2. DesElms

    DesElms New Member

    Got a URL to the masters program so we can see what it covers, and what sort of career it is intended to benefit? Just my opinion, but it seems when these sorts of questions get asked, one should provide enough information to actually get an answer. 'Course, that's just me.
  3. Jack Tracey

    Jack Tracey New Member

    Along the same lines as Greggs comment above, what sort of job is she looking for. My limited sense is that "Applied Communications" is a pretty generic area and one might be interested in anything from political speechwriting to advertising (is there any real difference?) to broadcasting to straight-up print journalism. What is her interest?
  4. GinaStarr

    GinaStarr New Member

    A quick search of Monster from the "other" direction showed that most candidates with a similar education and experience are seeking/filling positions in:

    Market Analyst/Market Research
    Marketing- General
    Technical Writer
    A couple of Pharmaceutical sales candidates

    Hope that helps

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