Irony in Iraq

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussions' started by ianmoseley, Jul 2, 2004.

  1. ianmoseley

    ianmoseley New Member

    Americans are often accused of not understanding irony, so maybe it wasn't deliberate when Iraq was handed back it's sovereignty on what my calewndar claims to be the 85th anniversary of the signing of the Treaty of Versailles (and we all know what that led to)!
  2. Dr. Gina

    Dr. Gina New Member

    Very True...But

    That is Ironic...However, i think we are a much different country and the People of Iraq are very much different from the Germans of WWI - The Iraqi's welcomed us (initially) while the Germans loathed and felt oppressed by us. Here is a History tidbit on the Treaty of Versailles:

    The Senate rejected the Treaty of Versailles, ending WWI, because it included Wilson's 14 Points. Why and what was the result? When America and her allies (known as the Triple Entente) sat down at the negotiating table with Germany, they did so with nearly carte blanche power. That is, if the Germans refused any part of the unconditional surrender, the Entente would occupy Germany and end its newly-found statehood. Unwilling to risk this, Germany was forced to succumb to a number of harsh, infuriating demands. Some say that the Versailles Treaty was too harsh to allow Germany to reintegrate itself into a new post-war Europe, but too weak to completely destroy Germanys ability to make war. It is on the Treaty of Versailles that most historians place the blame for Hitlers ascent and for World War II.

    Woodrow Wilson was a very, very liberal (some believe nearly socialist) president in a time where progressivism was the fad. He submitted 14 points that he believed the German government should submit to. One member of the Ententes delegation joked The Good Lord only needed 10 commandments, Wilson needs 14. Wilson believed that the total aim of the peace treaty should be to prevent war from ever again happening. In order to encourage a German surrender, Wilson promised a treaty that would go fairly light on Germany. For better or worse, he was unable to deliver on this promise due to Americas relative lack of involvement in the war (we got involved very near the end and sent very few troops)which had as its result Americas loss of bargaining power and influence among the Entente.

    The main points of Wilsons plan were: for European domestic and economic equalization (and the riddance of Germanys satellite states), for the independence of Belgium, for the giving of Alsace-Lorraine back to France, for access to the Baltic Sea for the land-locked Poland, for war reparations to pay for the damage done by invading German troops in France and Belgium, and for a League of Nations to settle all international disputes before they resulted in wars.

    The Entente gladly incorporated all this into the Treaty but exaggerated many of them to further weaken Germany. They limited the German army to a size of 100,000 men, demilitarized a large section of Germany nearest France, and forbade the German ownership of military aircraft, poison gas, or any naval units. The merchant marine and navy were to give their ships to Britain (they gave their merchant marine but scuttled their navy). Further, huge war reparations were to be paid, the extent of which were undetermined at the time (so Germany was signing a blank check). Expectations concerning these reparations were huge since the Entente wanted Germany to pay their war expenses and damages done to France and Belgium. The Treaty also required Germany to put many of her war heroes up for trial.

    Germany sat down for peace negotiations thinking that Wilsons ideas would greatly affect the treaty-making and that his fourteen points (in all their moderation) would be the predominant part of the treaty. Britain, France, and Italy, however, all had far greater European interests and had been more effected by the war. They, therefore, had the most influence in the treaty-making, exaggerating greatly Wilsons original plans and making the Germans feel that Wilson had lied to them.

    In fact, Germany nearly lost far more than what they did. Eventually they defaulted on nearly all of their war reparations (and nobody intervened, paving the way to isolationism and another World War), but France wanted even more far-reaching economic concessions. They issued claim to nearly all of the Sudetenland, the center of German industrialism. This would have crippled Germany forever. Fortunately for Germany, this didnt become part of the treaty. However, economic crippling would have prevented remilitarization in the 1930s.

    America was strictly isolationist at this time. We just barely got involved in time to have any say in negotiations, and we didnt want any part in a new world order. With this in mind, the Senate refused to ratify the Treaty of Versailles due to Wilsons League of Nations article. The United States didnt want to be involved in foreign, political wars. We wanted to be left alone. As a result, the Senate was strongly against the Versailles Treaty and refused to ratify it. We made a separate peace with Germany.

    In the end, the Treaty of Versailles almost surely caused World War II. Had it been softer on Germany, the Weimar Republic would have been stronger and would not have faced as much economic and social turmoil. Had the treaty been harsher, Germany would not have had the power to make war. Even with a miserably ineffective treaty, World War II could still have been averted. Under Chamberlains nose, Germany began to remilitarize and was allowed to annex enormous territories under Hitler in the 1930s. Nobody would make even the slightest move to enforce the clauses of the Treaty of Versailles, and this was the reason that Hitlers army became powerful enough to threaten European peace once again. The faults in the Treaty of Versailles were great, but the faults of those who refused to later enforce it were far greater.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 3, 2004

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