Dust off your fake resumes -- University of Illinois

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussions' started by oxpecker, Jun 22, 2004.

  1. oxpecker

    oxpecker New Member

  2. Doesn't necessarily require PhD...

    University presidents do not necessarily have to bring a PhD to the table, although it is unusual for them not to have one. However, here in Florida there is a new trend of hiring ex-politicians (e.g., Frank Brogan, former Lt. Governor under Jeb Bush and now President of FAU) who can bring influence and dollars. Brogan has no PhD. This is highly controversial at best, but seems to be a trend in the "good old boy" regions of the country.

    I wouldn't assume the University of Illinois doesn't care about fake degrees just because of what happened to George Gollin there. My assumption is that the University of Illinois administration is very supportive of Dr. Gollin, but also very risk averse as public institutions tend to be. Therefore, by not supporting having an anti-diploma mill information source on their publically funded computers they are showing that the better part of valor is sometimes discretion.

    I can guarantee you that anyone trying to sneak in the door with a SRU degree or degree from some other equally awful institution had better think twice.

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