MBA salary

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussions' started by bo79, Jun 15, 2004.

  1. bo79

    bo79 New Member

    I would like to hear peoples opinions about distance MBA salary.

    Do you think that a person with a DL MBA from a good RA school can demand and will get the same type of salary increase as a person with an MBA from an RA B&M full time program?
  2. novemberdude

    novemberdude New Member

    Solely my opinion but I don't think that simply getting an MBA necessarily leads to the ability to demand an increased salary. It probably doesn't hurt, but the simple reality is that there are a lot of people with MBAs. My wife works for a relatively large company (2000 employees) and if she walked in and said "I got an MBA, give me a raise" they'd either laugh or shrug.

    Another problem is that your average person isn't going to know a good DL MBA program from a not so good one. If memory serves you live in Toronto and are getting an MBA from UNA? If you work at Manulife in Toronto, do you think they know whether UNA is better or worse than SCUPS?

    While I certainly agree that getting an MBA can be a good move, and I certainly agree that UNA is probably a good school (hey, the brochure just came in the mail yesterday, I really like the program) I think you have to be looking at it primarily as a method of receiving increased remuneration through improved job performance rather than through increased qualification (if you follow what I'm saying).

    In short I would not expect that getting a DL MBA would enable you to receive a raise (notwithstanding improved job performance which might well enable you to increase your salary).

    I don't think this really answered your question, mind you.

    If your question is not related to your specific circumstance and is more of a general interest query then I'd say you really have to look at the schools and individuals involved.
  3. Han

    Han New Member

    Again, the manner in which they obtained it bears no meaning to the difference in degree, IMHO.
  4. roysavia

    roysavia New Member

    It shouldn't matter. So long as the school is regionally accredited you will most likely receive a similar salary to those who have graduated from B & M institutions.
    Case in point, I earned my MBA at the University of Windsor. My colleague earned his via DL through the University of Phoenix. We make roughly the same salaries.
  5. bo79

    bo79 New Member

    Thanks for your input guys:)

    Another question that comes to mind when Dis causing MBA salary is if down the road an MBA will make more money then a person with another business related masters degree such as MSc in Business, MSc in Finance or MSA?
  6. italiansupernova

    italiansupernova New Member

    Well, if the school is B&M and offers a DL MBA then I wouldn't worry about a possible stigma attached to it.

    However, it may seem odd that you were living and working in Bangor, Maine during the course of your studies at Florida State.

    A location question may be one drawback, however, I'd say Florida State was a bad example because it's a quality school.
  7. roysavia

    roysavia New Member

    Actually, you wouldn't have a difficult time explaining your studies to potential employers. Most employers these days are aware of DL schools such as U of Phoenix, Walden and Capella. There's a lot that can be said about an individual who has pursued DL studies while holding down a full time job and family responsibilities.
    Florida State and Florida Atlantic both offer DL MBA programs. These are good schools. There's no shame in earing degrees from these institutions even if you live as far way as Canada.
  8. David Boyd

    David Boyd New Member

    I don't believe anyone should receive a salary increase solely based on earning an MBA.

    Hopefully, the knowledge learned in an MBA program will prove valuable to your employer in the months and years ahead justifying a higher salary.

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