Is this policy fair??

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussions' started by italiansupernova, Jun 10, 2004.

  1. italiansupernova

    italiansupernova New Member

    I recently made an iquiry into a distance learning institution (who will remain nameless if at all possible) in regards to the acceptance of transfer credit.

    I'm less than a month away from completing two certificate programs that are directly related to the major. The school, which offers an associate's in the desired field, informed me that all of the credits would transfer, but I would still pay full price for the degree as well as receive all textbooks, etc. for courses that I would not take.

    Now, the tuition is quite modest so I shouldn't complain too much. But, I wonder, how commonplace is this?
  2. Rich Hartel

    Rich Hartel New Member

    This type of policy is not very common, that I know of, unless it is a small private school that does not get alot of support from the government, state or fed.

    Fair or not every school has thier own policy that students have to follow!!

    Any way, good luck!

    Rich Hartel
  3. italiansupernova

    italiansupernova New Member

    That's it Rich! Thanks!
  4. George Brown

    George Brown Active Member

    A past edcation provider I used to work for had the same policy. I soon nipped that one in the bud, quick smart!


  5. Rich Hartel

    Rich Hartel New Member

    To Italiansupernova,

    I'm glad I could help!

    Another thing to watch out for at private schools is a low student body. That's another reason why private schools cost so much more than state schools, they try to scrap every nickel out of those who can afford go to private schools!

    Another reason why distance education is becoming more attractive to people!

    All the best and God's blessings,

    Rich Hartel

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