Forum: After Iowa and New Hampshire

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussions' started by Charles, Jan 9, 2004.

  1. Charles

    Charles New Member

    This one looks like fun.

    "January marks the official start of the 2004 presidential campaign, with the Iowa caucuses slated for January 19 and the New Hampshire primary for January 27. If nothing else, this first round of contests will test whether the conventional wisdom is actually wise, particularly when it comes to the race for the Democratic nomination. The pundits now tell us that Howard Dean is the hands-down favorite, but too liberal and weak on national security to win November's general election; John Kerry, Joe Lieberman, Richard Gephardt, and John Edwards are all slipping in the polls and trying to resuscitate their campaigns; Wesley Clark, while possessing strong national security credentials, has stumbled out of the gate (and over his words); Al Sharpton and Dennis Kucinich have both offered us more spectacle than substance; and Carol Mosley Braun is ending up a footnote in this campaign. Politics is, however, an inherently unstable affair. And once Iowa and New Hampshire voters cast their ballots, the political terrain could start to change, with the reverberations being felt not only across the United States, but also Europe and the Middle East.

    AllLearn invites you, starting on January 29, to join our online forum, which will feature a panel of academic experts who will debate, along with you, the election results from Iowa and New Hampshire and their meaning for the next wave of primaries and the autumn election. Each expert will bring to the forum his own specialized knowledge of American politics and will allow participants to take a rounded look at the presidential race. Our discussion topics will range from whether any of the Democratic candidates can win on the national security issue, to how these candidates might make inroads in the South and also sway the silent majority of American voters, to what role broadcast and electronic media will play during this election cycle, to what implications the 2004 election will have on American foreign and diplomatic relations and the government's ability to prosecute the war on terror."
  2. Ian Anderson

    Ian Anderson Active Member

    What about the nations first primary on January 13th?
  3. uncle janko

    uncle janko member

    If any of you get C-Span, look for the interview program with the other D&R candidates in New Hampshire--yep, there are a number of souls challenging Bush for the Republican nomination and several on the Democratic side who aren't usually listed. The program is a real hoot.
  4. working1

    working1 New Member


    On 1/13/04, the Distirict of Columbia (DC) holds a Democratic primary, but there will be no delegate selection. On 2/14/03, DC holds a Democratic caucus in which there will be a selection of delegates.

    Working 1,
    BS - cum laude
    BA - magna cum laude and department honors in history and a second major in political science
    AAS - high honors
    AAS - high honors
    AA - high honors

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