Hey Dr. Bear, How's Prison????

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussions' started by The CAT, Dec 10, 2003.

  1. The CAT

    The CAT New Member

    I couldn't believe the trash I read about Dr. Bear!!!!! It's old and am unsure if you guys here have heard this trash talked before, here's the link:


    Apparantly and obviously, some Mill operators from (gossip is it's Concordia College) are spreading trash about our "homeboy" Dr. Bear!!!! Supposedly he's serving a 20 Year sentence!!! Just say the word Doc and me and you will go and kick their butts!!!!!It's one thing to run a Degree Mill but to slam people when they call you out as a fraud!!!! When you have 0% admission requirements and actually dispute your degree mill status, you make yourself look foolish. If you don't want to hear the noise, run a real school!!!!!

    Also for all the newbies, check out this link to Concordia for example and see first hand example of a degree mill in operation and learn to know the difference:


    This is a degree mill, do not fall into these traps. Instead, note the flaws. Look at this link, you'll notice VISA is the only qualification for a degree. Any real accrediting agency would not offer their seal of approval to a school with such standards.

    Now look at this link as an example of a real school, very popular and 100% DL with authentic accreditation from well respected and nationally recognized Institutions of our government:


    This is a reputable school, call and see. Try telling them you have a VISA and would like to purchase a Bachelor's Degree and how much it is? They'll probably hang up on you, but see my point!!!
  2. drwetsch

    drwetsch New Member

  3. John Bear

    John Bear Senior Member

    I've long ago stopped paying attention to criminals ranting on an obscure little news group, although it saddens me to realize that, as my wife puts it, we have chosen a planet where this kind of stupidity goes on.
  4. bo79

    bo79 New Member

    Dr. Bear,

    Did you ever try to take defamation actions against any of thosepeople?

  5. Guest

    Guest Guest

    According to the article, Chip White is soliciting funds (cash preferred) to help get John Bear out of prison.

    Where should I send my $10, Chip? I don't want John to spend the holidays in an orange jumpsuit, eating processed food and drinking instant tea. ;)
  6. nosborne48

    nosborne48 Well-Known Member

    Dr. Bear in prison? Well, as Opus once said, "Gotta admit, it answers a WHOLE LOTTA QUESTIONS!"

    Is your cell mate DOCTOR Bubba?

    On the issue of defamation, we once tossed around an interesting speculation: Is it possible to defame Lucky Luciano (assuming he was still alive)? If you called him a Mob hitman, cruel and vicious, a cold blooded monster, you might have the boring defense of truth but also, how could he show any damages? Your accusation would ADD to his ability to intimidate!

    We decided that it would be defamation to to accuse him of regular Church attendence, kindness to animals, and having a benevolent approach to his fellow man!
  7. decimon

    decimon Well-Known Member

    These days, if you want to steal from the public, you get a license. - Lucky Luciano.

    Remember that there was no sabotage in the ports once Lucky started working with the Feds. :)
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 10, 2003
  8. John Bear

    John Bear Senior Member

    bo79: Did you ever try to take defamation actions against any of those people?

    Yes. There have been things far worse than what the current jerks are doing.

    One example -- which I think is OK to describe, since it is nothing that can be done any more, and I really don't want to give them ideas.

    When Bears' Guide first came out, we lived in a very small remote town, Littleriver, California, population about 400. The nearest big place was a town of 4,000 15 miles away. And the next nearest anything was a 60-minute drive over winding mountain roads. No traffic lights. No fast food franchises. We spent ten fine years there.

    However -- enter Ernest Sinclair, owner of the totally fake California Pacifica University. (He'd already been in prison for his Atlanta Southern University). I duly listed him as a degree mill in the book. Still do.

    In those preinternet days there were Western Union Mailgrams: messages that Western Union sent by teletype, I think, to post offices, and then they were delivered as mail.

    Sinclair sent mailgrams, one day, to every business and church and school and many individual residence in Littleriver and surrounding area. Hundreds of them. The message: "You may have heard that John Bear has called my fine and prestigious university a degree mill. I just want you to know that he is getting revenge on me because I turned down his homosexual advances. Ernest Sinclair, Ph.D., President, California Pacifica University."

    Of course almost everyone knew almost everyone else in Littleriver and surrounding area. People got along well, even when their politics or lifestyles didn't match. We bought our firewood from the head of the local John Birch Society, and our abalone from the last surviving chapter of the Industrial Workers of the World.

    But it was still unsettling and annoying. Oh, and Sinclair charged all the mailgrams to my telephone account, which was possible in those simpler days.

    So I hired a lawyer, who looked into it, and generally concluded this was the clearest case of libel he could imagine. And, unlike the current jerks, Sinclair was very easily findable. But, he estimated, it would probably cost $25,000 or more to prepare a case for trial, and easily double that if it actually went to trial.

    So we invested in one of those assets tracing services, and they found that Sinclair's total assets in the US were negligible; no real estate, an old car, and a few checking accounts with small sums. And, they found, he had five bank accounts in Hong Kong, although the amounts in them was not available. His wife was Hong Kong Chinese. Clearly that is where his money was going. And equally clearly, we would almost certainly never collect a penny from him, even when we won our suit.

    So we let it drop.

    And then, a few months later, along came 60 Minutes, asking for my advice on a big and colorful degree mill to deal with. And a few months after that, there is Mike Wallace, on camera, buying his doctorate from Sinclair. And (CBS may have very special powers), the police marched in while Wallace was sitting there, with their arrest warrant for Sinclair, and hauled him off (live and on camera).

    Sinclair ended up in Terminal Island federal penitentiary (from where he was running his next school, Hollywood Southern University). Then he signed up for a "work furlough" program to learn cake decorating, walked in the front door of the bakery, out the back door, and was never seen nor heard from again.

    There are other stories, but they will wait for another time.
  9. The CAT

    The CAT New Member

    I knew this link was probably old news, but I used it to turn a negative to a positive by using those 2 schools as examples for us Newbies. Some people still do get ripped-off thinking their degree is legit from these sneaky degree mills. Turning negatives to positives, that's what life's all about!!!!Long live DL!!!!

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