The Power of Accreditation: views of academics

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussions' started by Charles, Nov 23, 2003.

  1. Charles

    Charles New Member

    "Overall, the view underpinning this paper is that Europe is rushing precipitously into accreditation and that the approach being taken is based on naïve views of what accreditation is and what it can achieve. More fundamentally, there is an underlying but unspecified and unexamined set of taken-for-granteds that legitimate accreditation. Accreditation is neither neutral nor benign; it is not apolitical. Quite the contrary, the accreditation route is highly political and is fundamentally about a shift of power but a shift concealed behind a new public management ideology cloaked in consumerist demand and European conformity. The paper intends to demonstrate this."

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