Degree mills segment on Good Morning America on Wednesday

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussions' started by John Bear, Nov 18, 2003.

  1. John Bear

    John Bear Senior Member

    GMA is scheduled to air its report on their discovery of three 'time bombs' in our federal government, including one Very High person. Probably during the first hour, tomorrow (Wednesday). Ezell and Bear were both interviewed for the segment, and may appear.

    And later the same day, Inside Edition does its segment on John Gray, Ph.D., with a focus (it seems) on his degrees. Bear interviewed and may appear.
  2. Rich Douglas

    Rich Douglas Well-Known Member

    The likely time is 8:30 AM, but it could run anytime between 7 and 9.

    A very, very high person, indeed.

    I, too, was interviewed, and will likely appear (on the GMA piece).
  3. Dennis Ruhl

    Dennis Ruhl member

    Hope you guys got it right. I'll never know.

    Live in the sticks - no satelite. Two stations. One is CBC which is like the taste sensation of porridge.
  4. Gus Sainz

    Gus Sainz New Member

    If the very high (doesn't it seem like most of those in government are? :D) person is the individual I am thinking of, he has previously been exposed by the media, and his employer, despite his fraudulent credentials, rose to his defense ( ;) ). It will be interesting to see if his employer responds differently to GMA.
  5. tcnixon

    tcnixon Active Member

    Oh, they finally decided that President Bush's Yale degree was as fake as his military service?


    Tom Nixon
  6. Bruce

    Bruce Moderator

    I would hardly call being an F-105 fighter pilot in the Air National Guard (responsible for continental air defense, not the Air Force) "fake". :rolleyes:

    [email protected] New Member

    According to the following story, after the government paid nearly a million dollars to train Bush as a pilot, he flew for a total of 22 months, which he then misrepresented as "several years":

    Would you still not call that "fake"? Or is the story false?
  8. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Now there's a reliable source! Let's see, LBJ (Vietnam), Teddy Kennedy (Chappaquidick), Joe Biden (plagiarism), Wilbur Mills (Fannie Fox), Wayne Hayes (Tidal Basin), Jimmy Carter (attacked by a giant rabbit), Gary Hart (Donna Rice), Mel Reynolds (sex with a minor), Gary Conditt (adultery) and Bill Clinton (you pick one)!

    [email protected] New Member

    What's the logic here?

    Jimmy Carter claimed to have been attacked by a giant rabbit. (First I've heard of this, by the way. I've found a few not-very-informative references on the Web. I couldn't find the original story on LexisNexis.)

    Therefore, Jimmy Carter was unreliable.

    Therefore, is unreliable.

    Therefore, we can afford to ignore all bad press about all Republicans, since it probably originated with those unreliable Democrats.
  10. Charles

    Charles New Member

    "Well, right now I'd say it's pretty quiet, which is about what you'd figure, seeing as how the killer rabbit thing happened in 1979. Not that stories about feckless good ol' boy presidents don't have their pertinence these days. Say what you will about Bill Clinton's PR problems, though, Jimmy Carter was in a class by himself. Nice man, but he was one president whose image a couple accusations from bimboes would have probably improved."
  11. GENO

    GENO New Member

    Therefore, we can afford to ignore all bad press about all Republicans, since it probably originated with those unreliable Democrats.

    Only Fox News does that. Biased and Unbalanced or Fair and Right Skewed is the motto they are practicing.
  12. Bruce

    Bruce Moderator

    My father was in Korea for about 2 months when he got shot, sent home, and discharged.

    Using your logic, I guess his service was fake, also. :rolleyes:
  13. Bruce

    Bruce Moderator

    Unreliable? I have no idea. However, I would venture to say that they're at least a bit skewed against the Republican President.
  14. Frankie

    Frankie member

    "So, while the news networks have sat on this explosive story for months, it's well documented that George W. Bush never showed up for National Guard duty for a period of approximately one year, possibly more, in 1972-1973. Despite all the talk about "honor and dignity," Bush seems to have a problem meeting his commitments.
  15. MichaelR

    MichaelR Member

    What no holy hand grenade?

    And the Lord spake, saying, 'First shalt thou take out the Holy Pin. Then, shalt thou count to three. No more. No less. Three shalt be the number thou shalt count, and the number of the counting shall be three. Four shalt thou not count, nor either count thou two, excepting that thou then proceed to three. Five is right out. Once the number three, being the third number, be reached, then, lobbest thou thy Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch towards thy foe, who, being naughty in My sight, shall snuff it.'
  16. timothyrph

    timothyrph New Member

    Shut up and go and change your armor.....

    Back to the original topic, did anyone see this? Who the heck was it?
  17. MichaelR

    MichaelR Member

    it didn't air wednesday and i am waiting to hear when it will play.
  18. Bruce

    Bruce Moderator

    An anti-Bush website is hardly proof of anything.

    It amuses me, in an irritating way, how people ridicule Bush's military service, yet they don't have anything to say about Bill Clinton's desperate attempts to avoid military service altogether.
  19. Rich Douglas

    Rich Douglas Well-Known Member

    They both were draft-dodgers, and both employed commonly used methods for doing it.

    Clinton used ROTC. He indicated to his ROTC unit that he wanted to join, which got him a deferral. When he got a really high draft number, practically ensuring he would not be drafted, he decided not to join ROTC. Did he ever intend to join? Probably not.

    Bush's father got "W" into the Texas Air National Guard. Fine. A commonly used tactic, for those with such connections. But later "W" transferred to the Alabama Air National Guard, and subsequently disappeared. He quit going to his weekend Guard duty for more than a year (IIRC). This is tantamount to desertion during wartime (but not in the face of battle). Did he use the system? Sure.

    Which is worse? Who cares? Avoiding the draft during the Vietnam era was widespread. It was an awful, evil war that, because of political reasons, wouldn't die (even though about 14 U.S. GI's did every day, on average). In retrospect, dodging the draft was damn patriotic.

    BTW, President Carter gave amnesty to the draft dodgers. But not to the deserters. Telling point.
  20. Rich,
    Only those who lived through those desparate times can appreciate the full meaning of your analysis. Thanks for reminding me, and hopefully many of us, of the "way things were". A huge turning point for me was in 1969, when my uncle "Charlie", a true-blue WWII vet, said at our family Thanksgiving get-together that "there's no way he would go to Vietnam either" - this after ranting about draft-dodgers for a few years before that until he finally woke up.

    Clinton and Bush did what a lot of us had to do to survive, both physically and morally, during those dark days.
    - Carl

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