
Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussions' started by uncle janko, Oct 4, 2003.

  1. uncle janko

    uncle janko member

    May the gates of heaven stand open for you on Yom Kippur, and the mercy of the Most High overshadow you on this sacred day, with blessings in the new year already begun.

  2. John Bear

    John Bear Senior Member

    The sun hath set.

    Happy 5764! Only 236 years to Y6K.

    John Bear, who remembers when the buses in New York
    City first got those step-on treadles to open the rear doors,
    and my cousin went to the rabbi to find out if stepping on
    the treadle constituted work, and therefore could not be
    done on the holy day. The rabbi said yes, which meant
    my cousin couldn't take the bus to his tennis club. So he
    asked around until he found a rabbi who said no.
  3. TexasBlack6

    TexasBlack6 New Member

    So playing tennis falls in line with "rest", while turning on light switches or getting on a bus is "work"?

    [email protected] New Member

    Dr Bear has told us that the world's largest diplma mill uses "two printing plants in Jerusalem (one prints men's diplomas; one prints women's -- the entire operation is run under orthodox Jewish law, which is why they do no telemarketing on Saturday)." The owner is "an American rabbi (from Boston), who divides his time between Bucharest and Jerusalem."

    He hasn't told us the name of the rabbi. Some news reports have identified the mill owner as "Henry Heston" (some of the mill's Websites used to be under; but I can't find any reference to "Rabbi Henry Heston".
  5. John Bear

    John Bear Senior Member

    His name is Ya'akov Abramovitz (or Abramowitz)

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