Mitch Albom on degree mills this Monday afternoon

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussions' started by John Bear, Sep 29, 2003.

  1. John Bear

    John Bear Senior Member

    This Monday afternoon.
    The Mitch Albom Show.*
    10-minute degree mill chat with John Bear at 3:50 PM.

    *Author of Tuesdays with Morrie. Nationally syndicated from WJR.
  2. Gus Sainz

    Gus Sainz New Member

    Unfortunately, the live Internet streaming broadcast (Real Player) of The Mitch Albom Show is currently unavailable. For the local station that broadcasts the show in your area, call ABC Radio Customer Service at (888) 795-4-ABC.
  3. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Dr. Bear,

    Where might one be able to hear this? Is this on NPR, etc.?

  4. plcscott

    plcscott New Member

    I thought that Mitch Albom was a sports reporter. Why is he doing a show on degree mills?
  5. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Perhaps he has a degree of interest.
  6. uncle janko

    uncle janko member

    Well, I guess I'll head east until I hear a Bear.
  7. John Bear

    John Bear Senior Member

    plcscott: I thought that Mitch Albom was a sports reporter. Why is he doing a show on degree mills?

    John Bear: Sports among other things. He is the author of one of the best-selling non-fiction books of the last three years, Tuesdays with Morrie, and has a new bestseller, The Five People You Meet in Heaven. And he has a 3-hour nationally-syndicated afternoon talk show.
  8. Andy Borchers

    Andy Borchers New Member

    Those of us from the Detroit area are proud to note that Mitch lives here and writes for the Detroit Free Press.

    Regards - Andy

  9. plcscott

    plcscott New Member

    I knew he was from Detroit, but I did not know he had a talk show. I thought he was just a sports guy.
  10. John Bear

    John Bear Senior Member

    Degree mill talk on John Gambling, WABC

    Too late to post here, but maybe available online? I did an degree mills interview this Tuesday morning with John Gambling, WABC, New York. He was fascinated by the topic—and, unlike most media people, seemed genuinely sad and concerned about what all this stuff says about us humans, and the decline of honesty and decency.

    Trivia bit: One of my father's few radio interviews, in 1947, was on the John Gambling show on WABC. Rambling with Gambling. The grandfather of the present guy, who started doing 'drive time' talk shows in the 1920s. This is the 3rd generation, and the 4th is in training.
  11. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Re: Degree mill talk on John Gambling, WABC

    Gambling, Bear or both?
  12. decimon

    decimon Well-Known Member

    Re: Degree mill talk on John Gambling, WABC

    I caught a few minutes of today's Gambling show. A guy called in to say that he's been a college professor for 18 years with a phony PhD. Gambling talked to him a bit and then said that he is a fraud and a cheat. The guy replied that he did feel that way down inside and then indicated that the benefits outweighed any sense of guilt.

    That guy did make one good point which is that the courses most taught don't require of the teacher any PhD level knowledge.
  13. tcnixon

    tcnixon Active Member

    Re: Re: Degree mill talk on John Gambling, WABC

    Quite true. A good English teacher with a bachelor's degree can likely do as well teaching English 1A as someone with a Ph.D. The same goes for people who teach introductory courses in linguistics, history, math, etc.

    Tom Nixon
  14. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Re: Re: Re: Degree mill talk on John Gambling, WABC

    With the possible exception of Gus Sainz and a few others on here, I am not sure anyone anywhere can teach or speak proper English. The media uses atrocious grammar and watching interviews with scholars, university professors, etc., is horrifying! Many years ago someone wrote about the decline of the English language. I am afraid his prophecies are rapidly coming true.

  15. jerryclick

    jerryclick New Member

    Re: Re: Re: Degree mill talk on John Gambling, WABC

    Made me think of my Manager at my previous job. (MBA), and he wrote me an email once chastising me for my non-standerd spelling! :)
  16. uncle janko

    uncle janko member

    OK Dr Bear: I almost got arrested for listening to your interview with Mitch Albom from the Detroit F*** P****. I hope you're happy.

    3:49 P.M. I don't have a radio except in the car, so I pulled out of the garage and turned the radio on. To my surprise, WJR came in without having to drive further east to catch it. But you didn't. At 3:50 it was some stupid thing about Harry Potter. What to do, what to do. I found that when the car sat still, great waves of static overwhelmed the signal. There is a tree in the middle of the church car park. I had no idea when you would come on the air, but I figured you had been slightly bumped due to some breaking story. So I started driving. Round and round the car park. Round and round and round. No Bear. Getting sick of Albom. Getting sick of Detroit traffic reports. Sick, sick, sick. See the po-lice. (Fleeting Bad Thoughts.) Nice Mr po-lice. One. Two. Driving even more slowly now. Nice Mr po-lice remembers from when there was an explosion in the rectory several months ago [another story entirely]. When a commercial comes, I pull over and talk to nice Mr po-lice number one, who asks me what the hell am I doing. I tell him. He goes and gets nice Mr po-lice number two. Five-O, man! I am driving round and round with windows down. Very slowly. Zillionth traffic report. Time passes. Weary of Albom about now (I hate talk radio). Po-lice Man number two gets explanation, says you can't do this. I point out that it's private property and that nobody from the church called them. Pointed out it's my church. Nice Mr Po-lice Two shakes head, goes away. Number One comes back, says Two called me el padre loco, asks if I'm getting tired of driving around in circles (he is walking along as I drive; more got-dam Albom, no Bear). I say no, it's a nice day. He says I gotta file a report. I tell him: Lutheran priest going in circles loaded for Bear (too much diet pepsi right before getting in car). He leaves, along with Five-O number Two. Time to go hang out @ Shell station (town too small for drunken donuts). Round and round. Have to pee. No Bear. Starting to Think Bad Thoughts about Albom and Bear.

    4:50 P.M.: Bear!

    4:59 P.M.: Pee!

    Nice interview. The rosebush behind my garage is dead.

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