Looking for COSC double agent…

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by cmt, Aug 17, 2003.

  1. cmt

    cmt New Member

    I have normally found COSC very forthcoming in volunteering information, but not so when inquiring about their exam grading scale. So, I am looking to get into the black market for some information regarding this issue. Can someone who knows, please tell me what scores will net what grades on CLEP and DANTES exams? I’m beginning to suspect that Masons or some similar secret society owns COSC.

    I have been going off of the very charitable Excelsior website information, hoping it will be relevant to COSC, but I would like to know for sure.

    Long live the resistance,
  2. jon porter

    jon porter New Member

    If Freemasons owned Charter Oak, there would be at least two different exposes giving radically different -- and conflicting -- answers to your questions. I suppose you could always ask ...

    Off to compare Lester with Duncan, and vice versa.

  3. RCWaldo

    RCWaldo New Member

    COSC uses the Excelsior grading system for CLEP and DANTES exams. This was a surprise when I started to see 'A's instead of 'P's for my last sets of tests.

    If I ever get my second bachelor degree the GPA will be much higher!
  4. Randell1234

    Randell1234 Moderator

    I am not sure about a conspiracy or secret society but-

    Most CLEP study guides give a grading scale.
    I took 19 CLEP/DANTES/ECE exams for my degree.
    For example-
    DANTES Intro to Business - scored 57 = A
    DANTES Intro to Criminal Justice - scored 54 = B
    CLEP English w/essay - scored 550 = P
    CLEP History I - scored 58 = A

    Hope this helps. Did you have a particular test in mind?
  5. decimon

    decimon Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Looking for COSC double agent…

    If Freemasons owned Charter Oak then there would be a requirement for its members to do good works. If it were Shriners then there would be a hospital.
  6. jon porter

    jon porter New Member

    Re: Re: Re: Looking for COSC double agent…

    And, no doubt, a bar...
  7. cmt

    cmt New Member

    That's good news. My concern was that COSC might be wanting 70's or above for A's (you never know). Today will be my 15th CLEP/DANTES exam and I have been curious what grade COSC will award my scores (I'm yet to apply). I have been using the Excelsior grading system as a benchmark an so far so good (all A's).

    Do you know if they award a grade for CLEPs: Intro. Sociology and Info. Sys. & Comp. Apps?
  8. Randell1234

    Randell1234 Moderator

    Intro. Sociology - yes (56 - "A")
    Info. Sys. & Comp. Apps? - don't know, I took the DANTES exam but I did not get credit because I had many other computer credits.

    Good luck.
  9. Randell1234

    Randell1234 Moderator

    What exams do you plan to take to complete the degree from COSC? Are you getting an AA/AS or BA/BS?

    Here is a link to the exams I took to finish my degree...it was easy!

  10. cmt

    cmt New Member

    I'm going for a BA in Lib Studies now and BS in Business later.

    Here is what I have left to take:
    College Math
    English Literature
    Educational Psych.

    Research Methods in Psychology
    Physical Geology (might change)
    Public Speaking (not sure where COSC counts this one)
    Life Span Dev. Psychology
    Ethics in America
    Drug & Alcohol Abuse
    The History of Vietnam War (might change)
    Technical Writing

    If you can suggest a substitute for any - I'm listening. I take one or two exams each week, so I'm moving pretty fast.
  11. Randell1234

    Randell1234 Moderator

    What "Groups" do you still have to fill?
    How many elective credits can you still earn?
    How many upper credit do you still need?
  12. MichaelR

    MichaelR Member

    Re: Re: Re: Looking for COSC double agent…

    So does that mean if it was the Knights Templar you would have to guard religuous artifacts?
  13. decimon

    decimon Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Looking for COSC double agent…

    Nah, Sydney Greenstreet would get there first.
  14. cmt

    cmt New Member

    "Groups" left to fill are:
    Aesthetic Dimensions
    Analytic and Quantitative Reasoning

    Electives left: 18

    Concentration: 24 left to fill of which 9 are upper.

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