Act - Pep

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by plcscott, Jul 31, 2003.

  1. plcscott

    plcscott New Member

    American College Testing Service - Proficiency Examination Program

    Anybody know anything about this testing? Is it comparable to CLEP?
  2. decimon

    decimon Well-Known Member

    What were the PEP exams are now the Excelsior College Exams.
  3. plcscott

    plcscott New Member

    So are the three testing services CLEP, DANTES, and Excelsior?

    Are there anymore?
  4. cmt

    cmt New Member

    You can add COSC and TESC the list. However, you may have a problem finding a proctor. The three you mentioned are not difficult to find proctors for since they are only offered where proctors are available.
  5. decimon

    decimon Well-Known Member

    Good point about location. I live where I'd likely find a proctor for all, but that's an assumption. Traveling to Connecticut and New Jersey would be feasible for me but maybe not for Scott. He should probably start asking questions at a known testing location like a community college that does CLEP/DANTES.

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