Article on CNN website

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by Mark Tisdail, Jul 18, 2003.

  1. Mark Tisdail

    Mark Tisdail New Member

  2. decimon

    decimon Well-Known Member

    Tell me about the lambs, John!
  3. Ike

    Ike New Member

    Now Dr. Bear can no longer deny it. He is a fed :confused:.

  4. decimon

    decimon Well-Known Member

    Better that he's a Fed than one who'd have an old friend for dinner. :)
  5. roysavia

    roysavia New Member

    Agent Bear,
    Can I squeel on an American hating quasi-communist? His name is John Chretien.

  6. Scott Henley

    Scott Henley New Member

    The Prime Minister of Canada is Jean Chretien. Canadians respect him.
  7. dlkereluk

    dlkereluk New Member

    Can I squeal on a couple of quazi-Nazi premiers at the same time?
  8. roysavia

    roysavia New Member

    I'm assuming your an American. If you live in Canada you would see that conditions here are not as grand as most Americans may think. Our fearless leader (Chretien) would sell his own mother to gain global popularity at the expense of his citizens.
    Chretien has done more damage to this country in the past five years than any other prime minister before him. His policies have divided this country in half (western Canada wants nothing to do with Ottawa and eastern Canada has been dealt a serious economic setback). He has ruined the strong relations we once had with the United States. President Vincente Fox of Mexico wants nothing to do with him. European corporations are afraid to invest in Canada.
    There are a large number of Canadians who think he's a JERK.
  9. Dennis Ruhl

    Dennis Ruhl member

    I will show him more respect when he's dead and buried.

    Maybe I will make a trip to Shawinigan to pee on his grave. Maybe I will stop at Mount Royal and similarly honour an old friend of his.
  10. Dr. Gina

    Dr. Gina New Member

    Agent Bear, 007?
  11. roysavia

    roysavia New Member

    I like your style. Remind me to invite you out for a couple of beers the next time your in Toronto.
  12. borisdarling

    borisdarling member

    "John Bear, a former FBI agent"

    Is that correct? I thought Dr. Bear had been an FBI expert witness. He was an agent?
  13. Dennis Ruhl

    Dennis Ruhl member

    And after we have those beers - what Liberals are buried in TO?
  14. roysavia

    roysavia New Member

    :D :D :D :D
  15. decimon

    decimon Well-Known Member

  16. roysavia

    roysavia New Member

    The article mentions that "some Americans" are relocating to Canada. If you look at the following statistics below, you"ll see that there are more Canadians migrating to the U.S. than vice-versa.
    The C.D. Howe Institute (A Toronto based economic development institution) recently published several articles on Canada's Brain Drain Phenomenon. The better educated Canadians are heading south. (do a search on the net for C.D. Howe if you're interested in their findings)

    "During the Vietnam War, U.S. emigration to Canada surged as thousands of young men, often accompanied by wives or girlfriends, moved to avoid the draft. But every year since 1977, more Canadians have emigrated to the United States than vice versa — the 2001 figures were 5,894 Americans moving north, 30,203 Canadians moving south." - taken from article.
  17. plcscott

    plcscott New Member

    Dr. Bear (Agent Bear):

    While you were an agent with the FBI did they tell you who really killed Kennedy? If so, could you share that with us? We will not tell I promise. :D :D
  18. Dennis Ruhl

    Dennis Ruhl member

    I think after 40 years, all the files could be declassified. Hiding information, the release of which would probably be anti-climactic has contributed much to conspiracy theories.

    Personally, I think the speed of which Oswald was tried convicted and executed was amazing. The poor bugger probably didn't have a clue what was happening.
  19. decimon

    decimon Well-Known Member

    So we're getting your better educated and you're getting our puppeteers? Well, ok, if you must.
  20. decimon

    decimon Well-Known Member

    If it could, the US Gov would keep classified our involvement in WWII.

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