Usefullness of Earning an On-Line Degree

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by Dr. Gina, Jul 8, 2003.


How Has Earning an DL Degree Changed your life...

Poll closed Aug 7, 2003.
  1. Earning my Degree has incresed my financial status and Social Status

    19 vote(s)
  2. Earning my degree has Decreased my social status and Financial Status

    0 vote(s)
  3. Earning my Degree has had a positive impact in my chosen profession

    21 vote(s)
  4. Earning my Degree has had a negative impact in my chosen profession

    1 vote(s)
  5. Employers and Instutions Respect my DL Degree

    17 vote(s)
  6. Employers and Instutions Do Not Respect my DL Degree

    1 vote(s)
  7. The DL expereince was a negative one for me.

    0 vote(s)
  8. I feel more confident after earning my DL Degree

    21 vote(s)
  9. I sometimes am afraid to reveal that I have a DL Degree

    8 vote(s)
  10. The DL expereince was a positive one for me

    25 vote(s)
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. Dr. Gina

    Dr. Gina New Member

    I have started this poll as a "research project" to evaluate the experiences of our members in the usefullness and acceptance of earning a degree online in your life experience and in the job market. My goal is to somehow create a future article in regrards to this matter using this and other future data to be gathered. I am not sure what it will be entitled as of yet, but all the thanks to this forum for giving me the "spark" to do this.

    Any suggestions and al participation will be appreciated.
  2. Dr. Gina

    Dr. Gina New Member


    BTW....You can choose more than one answer on this poll.
  3. Dr. Gina

    Dr. Gina New Member

    Hey is only a few more days for this poll to run, and I would appreciate as much participation as possible!

  4. Gary Rients

    Gary Rients New Member

    I'm curious to know why you've assumed that financial status and social status would either both increase or both decrease together. A person who receives a raise after completing a degree, but does not experience a change in social status (or even sees a decline in social status as a result of spending every free moment studying), cannot properly respond to the poll.
  5. roy maybery

    roy maybery New Member

    DL degree

    It might be relevant within the research to find out how many people doing or who have done DL degrees did so as a second degree after having undertaken a traditional on campus degree.

    Also how many of these distance ed degrees are post grad after having done an on campus bachelors'.

    Also who are the control group; those who have done only on campus degrees or those who have done no degrees at all? How would these two groups answer the poll questions, indeed are the questions posited in such a way as they can?

    Sound like dodgy research to me.

    Roy Maybery
  6. Han

    Han New Member

    Hopefully this is just an interesting poll to get clear imperical data later for the article. It is interesting, though I think very scewed for this forum.
  7. 4Q

    4Q New Member

    "Earning my degree has Decreased my social status and Financial Status".

    Could someone please provide an example of this happening?
  8. Bruce

    Bruce Moderator

    Laura Callahan. Ruth Sucato. Andrew Vesloski. Richard Shemetulskis. The list goes on.

    I only mentioned these people because the poll didn't differentiate legitimate degrees from mills, and the above mentioned people certainly had their social & financial status decline as a result of their "degrees".

  9. me again

    me again Well-Known Member

    Is this an empirically validated poll? :D
  10. roysavia

    roysavia New Member

    Earning my Degree has incresed my financial status and Social Status

    Sure, for George Jetson who flies into work and sits at a desk pushing buttons all day long.

    Come to think of it.......doesn't Laura Callahan do that?
  11. flipkid

    flipkid New Member

    Since I have not earned a degree online I cannot answer any of your questions. However I think some relevant questions for your research for those who have earned online degrees:

    Do you always reveal the fact that you earned your degree online or thru distance education methodologies without being asked?

    Does your resume reflect the fact that you earned your degree online?

    Have you been rejected for a job or passed over for a promotion because you have earned a degree online as oppossed to earning a brick and mortar school degree?

    What is the measurable difference in your career and accomplishments before you earned your degree online and afterwards?

    Do you find yourself having to defend your earned degree online more than those who have earned degrees through attending brick and mortar colleges?

    These questions speak as much to individual integrity, and the acceptance of the method of delivery as it does to accreditation issues.
  12. Dr. Gina

    Dr. Gina New Member

    First, I want to tak everybody for their coments on this poll. I do respond positively to constructive criticism. Unfortunately, the way the poll is set up does not allow for more questions, control groups, ect... and was set up to help guide me on which questions to ask, and how I could set up an actual research project (with emperical data:D)!

    However, the votes on this poll are intreguing already, so thanks for voting so far!

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