The End of Harcourt Bites?

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by H. Piper, Feb 15, 2001.

  1. H. Piper

    H. Piper member

    This week I accepted an offer from a current Harcourt employee to effectively discontinue the Harcourt Bites website. For obvious reasons, this person wishes to remain anonymous and shall be referred to hereafter as "BH". (Both sides could consider this to stand for "Big Help".) There is yet a small snag, but I'm figuring it will be worked out and the site could be down early next week.

    BH is in complete agreement with *everything* on the site, as well as what I have posted in the various newsgroups regarding Harcourt, HLD, ICS, CCHS, Roy Winter, Bob "The Nooch" Antonucci, etc. (BH also has some choice words for the "Harcourt President's Club" that I probably couldn't get past the moderators here.)

    I'll post an update soon. Meanwhile, visit
  2. Chip

    Chip Administrator

    I'm sure that someone here will safely archive the information on the site for posterity... just as others have done for Steve's MIGS site in the unlikely event that Enrique is sharp enough to go for an injunction.
  3. H. Piper

    H. Piper member

    Actually, I also had set up several mirrors of the site, which will be publicized if anything should happen to me. (As I have been threatened with physical violence on three separate occasions by three different officers of Harcourt, I don't think I can be too careful. Yes, BillDayson, your hunch of potential degree mill violence is definitely not off-target.)

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