NYU Language Proficiency Exams - WARNING!

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by [email protected], Mar 27, 2003.

  1. MarkIsrael@aol.com

    [email protected] New Member

    At http://www2.scps.nyu.edu/dyncon/acfl/gene_prof.html , it says: "The results of the test [...] are transcripted by NYU [...]".

    And in NYU's brochure "Proficiency Testing in Foreign Languages" (not online), it amplifies: "An official letter stipulating the results of the examination will be mailed to the designated institution up to seven weeks after the test is taken. [...] The official letter is sufficient for most institutions. Should an official transcript be required, it can be obtained from the NYU Transcript Office by calling (212) 998-4280. [...] If more than one institution is to receive a report, please use a separate sheet and include a $15 payment for each additional institution listed."

    Since the official transcript (which cannot, of course, be ordered by phone; the actual procedure is set out at http://www.nyu.edu/registrar/03records.shtml ) is free, one would be tempted to save the $15 by ordering that. And if "the official letter is sufficient", the official transcript should be even better, right?

    WRONG. :(

    The official letter says: "The score is equivalent to up to 16 credits of college-level study. However, the actual number of credits granted depends on the institution accepting the results."

    The official transcript says: "NONCREDIT TRANSCRIPT". :(

    Rosie, not knowing this, ordered the official transcript. Needless to say, the receiving institution was not impressed. Apparently it's now going to be harder to claim those credits than if the transcript was never sent.
  2. me again

    me again Well-Known Member

    Screwed for being a perfectionist for sending an official transcript instead of a simple letter. < sigh >

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