American Capital University

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by colmustard, Mar 5, 2003.

  1. colmustard

    colmustard New Member

    This school contacted me recently to become online faculty member. It is for profit and main office in Cheyenne, WY with Liaison Office in Baltimore. Say they offer degrees in its seems all areas. Students? Incorporated 11/02 in WY. Any info. They have web underconstruction.
  2. RFValve

    RFValve Well-Known Member

    Watch out, I asked for information and I was sent a complete application package. The salaries are much lower than a regular online university like Phonix or Jones. It is also very fishy that they have a consent form to use your name to appear in their catalogs. It looks to me that they are just looking for names with fancy degrees to fill up their catalogs.
  3. colmustard

    colmustard New Member

    Is it a spin off of the same name school in MD? I have asked for names of Prez and academic staff. What is it about Wyoming law for schools that attracks diploma mills?
  4. colmustard

    colmustard New Member

    Just talked with Wyoming state official in charge of college licensing in state and informed him school listed 1704 Westland Rd., Ste 8393, Cheyenne, Wy as address, with liaison office in Baltimore, MD. When I asked about school he said it is not licensed to do business in Wyoming and would notify them to cease.
  5. RFValve

    RFValve Well-Known Member

    As I suspected. It seems like a start up that needs to attract faculty for their catalogs for a quick buck. The problem is that if you sign the form, you are pretty much stuck on their catalogs with no pay since the contract never talks about payment to use your name.

    The scam is pretty simple, get free faculty for a catalog, enroll students for a 30 day degree mill, make a quick buck and dissapear as soon as the authorities find out. I hope they get nail before they start.
  6. colmustard

    colmustard New Member

    No doubt. I sent them an email, fax, and letter today demanding return of transcripts and any trace of an affiliation. They responded(acting registrar) by email to say they would comply and send transcripts by certified mail. The President is listed as a Dr Nwankama Nwankama, which is actually the listed residence for the Maryland "Liaison" office. This name can be found elsewhere on internet as having a Master of Architecture from University of Nigeria.
  7. RFValve

    RFValve Well-Known Member

    Bet he is going to come out with a PhD from American University in his own catalog. Well, it seems like that the trick is to name your university "American" to attract tons of students with the hope to land a good job with their american degree. The worst thing is that probably the operation is being financed by some guys in another country (Nigeria?).

    I'm glad to hear that you pulled your application off. I was hoping to see a Dr. Colmustard in their next edition.
  8. colmustard

    colmustard New Member

    The University

    Certainly, something one would not joke about.
  9. John Bear

    John Bear Senior Member

    My father, the late General Nwankama, was recently murdered by a SWAT team from the Ministry of Higher Education. Among his last effects, I have discovered 26 million blank diplomas from the American University of America, which he was able to hide from the authorities. You have been recommended to me as someone who can help me get these diplomas out of my country. If you will assist in this project, I am happy to reward you with three million diplomas. Time is of the essence. Please respond to me today!
  10. RFValve

    RFValve Well-Known Member

    Well, it seems that you are not alone. Another victim posted in aed news group but Rich said that is licensed by the state of Wyoming.
  11. colmustard

    colmustard New Member


    The one is aed is the same.
  12. Peter French

    Peter French member

    Dr N-Wanka-ma N-Wanka-ma?

    Wanka Wanka

    :D :D :D

    [email protected] New Member

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