Indiana Institute of Technology?

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by samcat1, Feb 10, 2003.

  1. samcat1

    samcat1 New Member

    Was considering enrolling in the Indiana Institute of Technology's adult education program (distance learning) to complete a bachelor's degree in accounting. Anyone know anything good or bad about this school? Any help/comments would be appreciated!:)
  2. Suse

    Suse New Member

    I know their commercial jingle. ("It's a new school of thought/the wayyyyyyy we listen/In-dee-ana In-sti-tute of Tech-nah-luh-geeee")

    I have no experience with their distance program, but they have been in existence as long as I can remember as a B & M school.
    You might check to see if their credits transfer elsewhere before you enroll.

  3. Gary Rients

    Gary Rients New Member

    I imagine that they'd transfer as well as credits from any other RA master's-level school. It may not be prestigious, but it's certainly a legitimate RA school, and Indiana Tech might even be more recognizable than some of the more obscure RA schools that we talk about here. It's also primarily a residential school that's been around for quite some time, if that matters.
  4. Suse

    Suse New Member

    The prestige (or lack of) of Indiana Tech wasn't even in my thoughts; I was thinking of a time when it was considered a 'technical' school only (back in the day...) and along with some other technical schools of long standing in the community, the credits were not transferable to 4-year colleges.

    I imagine things have changed since then.

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