A Profile of Participation in Distance Education: 1999-2000

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by gmohdez, Jan 17, 2003.

  1. gmohdez

    gmohdez New Member

    This report profiles undergraduate and graduate students’ participation in distance education in 1999–2000. The report discusses student demographic characteristics associated with distance education participation as well as different types of distance education technology and students’ satisfaction with their distance education courses compared to their regular courses. Results show that students with characteristics associated with greater family and work responsibilities tend to participate in distance education at higher rates than their counterparts with fewer family and work responsibilities.


  2. Orson

    Orson New Member

    There's a whole universe!!

    of statisical information to be had here! (Lnk through the above, of else)

    Most concerns college and high school. Dor instance, "Nation's Reportcard?" It's here.
    Or "4/2/1990 The History Report Card?" Ditto.

    Or "9/14/1990 Profile of American (U.S.) Students;"
    "9/11/1990 Dropout Rates in the United States: 1989;"
    "8/2/1990 New Teachers in the Job Market - 1988 Update:"
    and many many more recent statistical reports.

    This site ought to be extremely useful to M.Ed and D.Ed. students doing theses and dissertations--or just casting about and deciding on a research topic!

    Thank you, Guillermo!


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