On-line Ed.D. from Pepperdine U.

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by Ian Anderson, Dec 31, 2002.

  1. Ian Anderson

    Ian Anderson Active Member

    Pepperdine offers a Ed.D. on line with short resident periods at one of their California centers.
  2. jimwe

    jimwe Member

    Bottom Line $$$$$$$

    It looks like a good program, I'd be interested in it except for ONE thing $$$$$!!! From their FAQ page:


    19.OK, Bottom Line, How Much Does It Cost?

    Current tuition (2001-2002) is $785 per unit. This price typically increases each year. At an estimated average of $785 per unit across the program, and assuming 47 program units, plus 6 dissertation units, that is a total of 53 units X $785 for a total of $41,605. In addition, there will be costs for books, software and technology, which should approach $8000. If you live outside of Southern California, you must add the cost of travel and lodging.

    That means the total cost of this puppy will be (at today's prices) nearly $50K! I don't have that much spare change lying around!!
  3. M.P. Toothman PMP

    M.P. Toothman PMP New Member

    Great News!


    That is great information. As we live in the same general vicinity, I'm glad you brought this to our attention. The cost is not a concern as my employer will pay, but Pepperdine has an excellent name.

  4. M.P. Toothman PMP

    M.P. Toothman PMP New Member


    I love the three year time period for this degree. I am still trying to decide which route to go once I finish my MBA.

  5. M.P. Toothman PMP

    M.P. Toothman PMP New Member


    I apologize everyone!!

    This was supposed to be a response to the Pepperdine thread immediately below this one.

    It's wayyy too late to be online.

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